Monday, January 2, 2012

P.S. >>>

I forgot to tell yall that I'm ALREADY kicking ass at my new years resolutions!  I cooked Jake a super yummy dinner tonight and he's all 'mmm, this is good,' and I'm all, 'yeah, duh I'm a freakin fab cook.'  AND I it was after I worked practically ALL day, like 7 hours worth, so yuuuppppp, super wife up in the house!  I'm on fireeeeeeee! 

AND OMG I totes forgot to also tell yall about a facebook post where this person was like, "2012 Is going to be soooooooo awesome; life is perfect but just keeps getting even better and better; keep watching for my posts on facebook for all the fabulous details and updates!!"   YES, that is a REAL POST.  UH, WHO writes that?  Seriously?  Newsflashhh:  Nobody cares.  If you're gonna brag about how awesome you and your life are, you should at least do it bloggy-style like me. That's exactly why I never get on fakebook anymore. 

PHEW, okay. Vent sesh over.

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