Had a little spare time before I head into work so I figured I would tell yall a litttttle story that happened to me the other day. Okay, so it's kind of a long story.
Remember how I mentioned that our computers were in the shop for 11 days?? Well, it all started when I was surfing the net and I acquired a virus. It was one that wouldn't let me open internet explorer so I could download a virus killer. (KICKING MYSELF for not renewing my subscription to Norton!) Anyway, I figured I would just pop on over to BestBuy and they could fix it all quick style. Phewwwwww I was wrong. The nice guy at the desk told me he would hook me up and I could bring BOTH laptops in to get fixed (our old one had a virus too, but we ended up just buying a new one, rather than fix that one.) (BTW, the new one was purchased on the CHEAP @ Black Friday.. We don't TYPICALLY just go buy something brand new when something breaks.) Back to the story! ~ so the geeksquad told me my computers would be out in 5-7 days MAX and even that was a stretch; most of the time they were finished in 3. After day 7 I began to call daily (Okay, maybe 2x daily) to try to figure out the hold up. The old one's hard drive is blown, so that computer might as well be tossed. The "new" one supposedly had just ONE virus that kept showing on up the scan and I was repeatedly told it would be ready in half an hour. TWICE I actually showed up to pick it up and of course it wasn't ready. Finally on day 11 I went in and was told yet again that it was ALMOST ready, just 10 more minutes. 30 minutes later an over apologetic tech guy came over to tell me that he had accidentally super-jacked up my computer and it wouldn't even TURN ON. He also told me that more than likely I would lose all my data -- un-backed up photos and docs. This is a pretty big deal considering 2 years of my life in photos are on there, along with all of my created business docs. I suspect the tech guy was under a lot of pressure being that he crashed my computer and surely had a ton of other electronics that needed work as well. He kept perpetually apologizing, to which I kept telling him it was okay and it wasn't his fault..even though maybe it was.
In the past few days in my frequent visits I had seen lots of people in line, and most people were very unfriendly, short and just plain rude to the techs. Throughout all the run-around and even after the BIG mess up, I remained friendly and didn't go all psycho on anyone. (It WAS, however, tempting at times.) Once it was all said and done, the man helping me got all teary eyed and thanked me for being so nice and patient. I was kind of taken aback, I mean, you don't see a grown man cry everyday, right?! I hoped I was mistaken, but no. Tears LITERALLY ran down his face as he told me that his sister had past away in the last few days; and he was just stressed to the MAX. I think he had so much pressure on him both in his personal life and at work that he just needed to let out for a second. I felt terrible that I wasn't NICER but it was a great reminder that everyone you meet could be fighting their own personal battle. Yes, it's his JOB to fix computers and do-so quickly and correctly, etc. but I think it's a great lesson that we should all be a little more patient and kind to others. There are so many more important things in life than material goods.
Okay ~ Just thought this story was worth sharing because it really inspired me. It's crazy to think we each have the power to make or break someones day. Sometimes, an encouraging word, a helping hand or a friendly smile could be all it takes.
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