Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Resolution Time!

AY YI YI okay it's high time I do a little update on LIFE!  The new year is quickly approaching and I have to decide on 2012's resolutions!  CLICK HERE to read last year's!  Looking back on last year's, I realize that I didn't do all that I planned. Dammit.  As far as going to church more, that one we DID! (That's probably the most important...phew, I don't feel like a total failure.)  Don't get me wrong, we DIDN'T go as often as we should, but we did go AND I watched a lot of sermons at home.  Check!  One of my resolutions for this year is a TOTAL repeat of last years!  .... So HOPEFULLY in 2012 we can pay off Jake's student loans!  *womp womp* I didn't anticipate starting a business this past year, so that kinda threw a wrench in my plans.  {That's what I'm using for an excuse anyway!} 

SO. 2012 ~ What's in store??
* I resolve to pay off Jake's student loans by paying a whopping $1600 each month. OUCH. That's painful.
* I resolve to continue to be charitable this year.  If I can help those less fortunate, sign me up!
* As always, I will be nice to homeless people.  Although, I havn't seen a homeless person in over 6 months......
* I resolve to make a better effort at seeing family and friends. (MUCHO important!) 

So what other changes can you expect to see in 2012??

We hope that Jake will be starting a brand-spakin'-new-job. { The cat's out of the bag, I suppose. }  This means more money, less commute, and a fresh new environment!  YIPPEEE!  Lots of new-ness which will keep him on his toes!

We also hope that my business continues to grow so that we figure out what direction to take next!  Expansion in the cards?? WHO KNOWS!?!

As for our home-life we want to.... BUY A NEW HOME!  We will hopefully start looking in June or July so we can be in a new home sometime after August 31st.  I'll be heartbroken to say goodbye our first beautiful home, but we need a little more room for......................BABIES!  Eventually anyway!  ~ That's the 'final' step in realizing our dreams and completing our family, so we hope that sometime soon after we will welcome a new family member to add to the Sample clan!  That's still quite a bit in the future though, so there's still LOTS of time to get used to the idea and GET READY!

1 comment:

  1. Klan is only spelled with a K if you are in the Ku Klux Klan-which I hope you are not! It's "CLAN". :)
