Thursday, December 29, 2011

Resolutions {TAKE 2}

Whoopsies, I totallllllllllllllllllllly forgot to mention two very important resolutions for 2012!

a.) I want to cook more!  I've been pinning recipes on pinterest, fool!  I've already tried 2 dishes and they were PRETTY AMAZING!  I have like 6 million cookbooks, but they aren't as cool as pinterest and I like to use them as decor only in the kitchen.

b.) I want to look mega hot in a swimsuit this year.  I've lost a whopping 15 pounds from my heaviest point, and this very well could be my last summer before kids, which will most certainly ruin my bod.  So yes, I want and need to look GOOD this year.  Plus, I practically LIVE at the pool, so it's not good to be scaring everybody off.  Well, it kinda is, bc I like the pool to myself.

Okay thats all.  Those two rezzys seem pretty manageable.

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