Thursday, December 8, 2011

Christmas Countdown

Hello All!

17 more days until Christmas!  EEEEK!  I literally have not done an OUNCE of Christmas shopping.  Well, except for our FAVE server at our fave restaurant, but his gift was easy:  {Christmas card + $50, yeehhawww}!  Although the holidays totally put me in the GIVING mood, I soooooooooo don't enjoy Christmas shopping.  Jake doesn't really like shopping bc he thinks I overdo it and want to buy something for everyone, which is DUH! True.  Anyway though, I refuse to shop on the weekends because I despise crowdsssssssss.  Blech. So, maybe next week.  Jake will be off, so I can drag him with me. :) I'm sure I'll regret it though.  Well, adios amigos, I gotta finish cleaning house before my handsome little hubby gets home!  ahhh.... I love that man. <3

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