Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy Belated New Year!!!

Thats all, really.  I just forgot to say that earlier, and we are already 7 days into 2011!  Hope everyone had a good NYE, better known as amateur night.

What did I do?  Well.. I spend 10+ hours of the day working and this lovely thing happened to me. After work I was exhaustedddddddddddd and kind of wanted to skip out on the dinner out that the hubs and I had planned - but I walked in the door and my oh-so-handsome hubby was ALL dressed up (he never does this, so it was def an 'awww' moment) so we ended up having dinner out after all. :) He bought us a bottle of champagne for later and we rang in the new year at home JUST the two of us - it was pure low-key awesomeness.  I love that man.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to whatever craziness 2011 throws my way!!! 

P.S. Still trying to uphold our New Year's Resolutions!

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