OH MY GOD. *THE* most embarrassing, horrible, disgusting, repulsive thing EVER happened to me the other day!!!!! BUT as with most of my stories, I must preface it with a little bit of background so you know I would be in such a predicament to begin with.
Lets start with what I do for a living. Awkward. You'll understand WHY in a minute. So anyway, I'm an Esthetician which means I'm licensed to do a number of things like facials, makeup, lash tinting & extensions, chemical peels, and... hair removal. In my case - in the form of waxing. So yes, I specialize in waxing. And I do *ALL* body parts. Yes, everyyyyywhere. Get why describing my job can get awkward now?? [Disclaimer: It's actually a fun and totally professional career, believe it or not, and can be quite lucrative!]
Now for my great story! So.... the other day I was giving someone a Brazilian - if you've ever had this service before you know this means removing all hair from the front to the back and everything in between. I was almost finished and had my client flip over to do the backside. At my particular salon there is none of that 'on all fours' business or 'legs pulled up to your chest' business - thank God! We do it in the least intrusive way - our clients just lay flat on their tummy. Anyway, we powder all areas before applying wax and this area is no exception. So, I powder my client up, and what does she do while I'm standing basically RIGHT over her rear end??
She has the audacity to.... FART. Yes, BREAK WIND right there in front of God and everybody! Baby powder LIT-ER-ALLY shot up and smacked me face!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so shocked and appalled, and quite frankly, weirded out that someone would fart on me!!!!!! WHO does that ??? I mean clearly it had to be an accident.. I hope? My reaction of course was priceless.. I jumped back, gasped, and the stick of wax went a flying. I waited, just kind of in SHOCK, and tried to figure out what to do next. It seemed like I stood there frozen for 5 solid minutes, before she mumbled "sorrrrrry...." I mean, what do I even say to that??? "Oh, its totally fine!" --um HELL to the NO! If that was ME in that situation I would have been mortified and SUPER apologetic - not just like a 'whoopsies, oh well' ... Needless to say the rest of the appointment was awkward. and silent. [Disclaimer #2: Hair removal can be a lucrative career, but no amount of money is worth that!]
The whole situation is laughable in hindsight (no pun intended) - I'm not gonna lie though, I'm partially traumatized and I DO get a little nervous now in dealing with this area, but I just try to stay out of the line of fire. Yikes! Can you BELIEVE this even happened!? What a nightmare!!!!
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