Well Sunday of this week, as in 5 days ago, I officially got back on "the pill", after 2.5 years of absence! Not entirely by choice, but when I was newly married, I had to go OFF the pill because I didn't have health insurance. So for 2.5 years the hubs and I have been doing it old school... wrappin' it up if you catch my drift. YES, every time, ALL the time. We were extreeeeeemely careful. More careful in fact then we did pre-marriage. Probably more careful then I had been in my entire life! Anyway, now that I have health insurance I figured I might as well go back on the pill...for selfish reasons: (Clear skin, weight loss, boob gain, & and the option to skip your period all together, joy!) So anyway, back to present day, or, er, last Sunday. It was time to start my brand new pack of pills and a teensy part of me felt really sad, just knowing there is no possible way that we will accidentally get knocked up.. (after all, if it would have happened in the last 2.5 years it would of been a BIG surprise, but we would've rolled w/ it.) Anyway, I started the pack and just figured we'll be ready in the future, and this would buy me another 12 months of selfish fun.
So last night... we umm.. didn't use a back up form of BC since I've been on the pill for a whopping 4 days and didn't think much about it. Then this morning as I woke up, it hit me that I vaguely remember the Dr. telling me that I needed to use a back up method for the first 10 days. um, whoops?! I then pulled out my ovulation tracker and wouldn't you know it... last night was one of my 'high fertility' days. Holy. Shit. I swear I felt what could only be described as A BABY SWIMMING AROUND MY UTERUS and I decided that I needed to get the morning after pill, or plan B as its called - ASAP. All of the sudden the prospect of accidentally getting pregnant didn't seem so sweet. It seemed... REAL.
This afternoon I popped on into CVS to pick up the $50-but-cheaper-than-having-a-baby Plan B. Is it weird that I was totally embarrassed, and felt like an under aged sloot? It didn't help matters that when I approached the counter the lady helping me yelled across to the other pharmacist "Hey Sue, that girl [points to me] needs Plan B. Where is it?" At which point every person behind the counter looks right at me. And then every person in the store. Um yeah, thanks for the privacy CVS Pharmacy!
I'm probably, hopefully overreacting. In any event, I've taken my pills and I'm desperately hoping they WORK! Pray for me??
Glad you got this taken care of! Be more responsible!! ;)
ReplyDeletelets HOPE its taken care of! the effective rate is only 75% - i would like my odds more if it was 100%
ReplyDeletewe'll know for sure in 9 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!