Sunday, January 16, 2011

Freak Out Mode

Yup, I'm almostttt ready for a melt down.  As you might remember, this past month Jake and I had to embarrassingly resort to Plan B.  I have been patiently waiting for my "monthly gift" to make its grand appearance, andddd...nothing. I'm OFFICIALLY 2 days late. WHA-WHA-WHATTT??!!!!!  In the past 2 years this has never happened. But, mayyyybe my period came, and was just so light and short that I didn't even notice it?! Mayyyybe I wont have one this month because I've taken the morning after pill and my hormones are a little screwy?!  Mayyyybe I'm going through menapause?! (Okay, I MIGHT be reaching!) I took a test a couple days ago, and it was negative so I thought we were safe, but, um, I would still like a little confirmation via period!!!  I've been wanting to start so bad that I've imagined up phantom cramps and backaches, and even thought to myself.."hmm, is this be something I should be over-emotional or bitchy about?"!  I just wish my body would get in gear and let me know wassup with tha wassup!!  You know how they say when you're pregnant, you just KNOW it?  Well, I do NOT have that feeling.  In fact, I distinctively feel very un-preggo.  So...come on mother nature, quit screwin' w/ my head! 

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