Sunday, January 16, 2011

WTF Moments

From the Golden Globes, 2011 - Celebs have boo koos of money and this is the shit they try to pull??  Oh, helllllll no.  I'm may not be topping any best dressed lists myself, but I can still judge these people. I decided.

Halle Berry - YES you have a bangin' bod, we all know this.  But do you really have to showcase it in this trashy lingerie dress?  So blaahhhhh.

J Lo - that sheer shaw thingy is flippin hideous and unacceptable.  This is semi-wedding dress-ish, and not in a good way. OH and you hair and eye liner are both WAY too harsh.

Oh, Christina.. This dress would have been cute on someone else, but you are not skinny minny any more.  This dress makes you look so much hefty-er then you are.  Also, I am tired of your white hair that washes out your white skin.  Please go back to the dirty years of black hair and orange tan.

Well Natalie, you are preggo, so I want to half nice to you, but....this dress is off the charts FUGLY.  What is that sequined rose applique doing on there?  Pink + Red????  Are you channeling Valentines day?  Ugh, don't know but I don't care.  Your accessories also suck - just as much.

Lea Michele - this dress is the wrong color, wrong cut, and wrong style.  And your hair is a hot mess!  Next!

Well, well, well, is someone going to the prom?

Tina Fey - I am not shocked by this, you WOULD try to pull this off.  Velvet is ugly and ill fitting.  This dress is hideous in too many obvious ways to even discuss - also, please comb your nappy hair.

Eww, What is with all the pink?? I do believe someone designed this trash bag dress in the dark.  Grosssssss.

Too easy.  Although, I am also wondering WHO the F this is!!!

1 comment:

  1. beaucoup**

    And LOLOLOLLLL!!! I thought the bottom pic was a really great one of you! I did NOT know you were going to the GGs!!!!!!

    P.S. There really was a lot of pink huh??
