Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dear IRS, You are really pissing me off.

Once again.....this year my hubby and I have to PAY the IRS. I used to loveeee income tax return time.  In years-before-marriage Jake and I would each get back $800-3000. But now a days.. its quite the opposite and we end up paying back at the end of the year. joy.  This frustrates me so much.  People who are loooooowwww income (yes, I can talk about poor people because it used to BE us) get thousands back.  People with children get thousands back.  Shouldn't we be rewarded for being responsible thriving members of society?  The answer is no. Sure, we deduct our mortgage interest, our property taxes, student loan interest, etc. etc. etc. but apparently its not enough.  I can only imagine what we would owe the IRS w/o all those lovely deductions.  Yikes. 

Well, this year, we are supposed to pay another whopping $1098.  But........ HOORAY for me, I found a loophole! (IRS, this is legal, please don't audit me!)  Jake and I are going to file separately this year.  (you know..the married filing separately thing?)  Which means, we only have to pay $111.  I'm still pissed off about having to pay, but whatevs.  Its the lesser of two evils. 

And in 2011 - I have a different approach. I am saving EVERY flipping receipt w/ sales tax, giving way more to charity, AND will be adjusting my W4 to continue to withold the highest amount of taxes, but also to take an additional $25 out.  If all of this doesn't work... then..welll.... I really am moving to a deserted island.  Or quitting my job, getting on welfare and having 6 kids.  Thank you democratic supporters, because THIS ^ is what you are all about - giving, giving, giving to those who make shitty choices and overpopulate the US w/ more dirtbags who will continue the cycle,  and taking away from people like me.  A big F. You. 

Okay whoopsies this post got a little political - my bad.  The real point here is that I have a hard time parting w/ my money and in 2012 I hope I am in a different boat, either breaking even or getting a little somethin-somethin back. 

I say good day, my rant is over.
Where can I get one of these?

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