Saturday, January 29, 2011

All Work & No Play

.....Makes Lisa a BUSY girl.

We're only 29 days into 2011 and my plate simply cannot be emptied!!  Figuratively of course, not literally, because any plate that is literally in front of me can be cleaned in 2 seconds flat.  I love food!  //whoopsies, sidetracked// What I was getting to is that I've been veryyyyy busy planning lots of things already!

For starters, my parents' 30 year wedding anniversary is coming up -- February 11th!  I have the biggest most AWESOME surprise for them (totally serious, its like Oprah-worthy) and I am SO EXCITED to see the looks on their faces!  This, um, *THING* I've been planning has taken up literally almost every single day off that I have and has taken up mega amounts of time!  It will be well worth it in the end though, and my parents SO deserve it!  Cant wait to share the surprise w/ everyone, but I have to wait, just in case my mom is a sneaky snake and tries to find hints on my blog. :)

Also in February - I'm going to Denver for work AND co-hosting a baby shower.  (Thats a lot for a short month!)  I'm also in the process of exploring new work ventures in the hopes of owning my own business one day(soon??!).  The other halves of my days off are spent having meetings, researching and planning. planning. planning.  This girl is about ready to pull her hair out!

To add to my stressful 2011 start, my stomach problems have come back, so I need to stop putting off my endoscopy; I also need a root canal, AND I've been putting off an MRI & MRA on my brain.... but seriously, who has the time for health and dental issues!!??!! 

Okay. So I am ready to catch my breath and do NOTHING!  If all goes according to plan, I may have some downtime come April.  But since when do things go according to plan?  Moral of the story???  Life. Is. Crazy.

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