Sunday, October 30, 2011

In the mood...

Too much?
For implants.  Seems like everrrrrrrrrrry year about this time I get the itch for a boob job.  I guess because I think it would make a pretty damn good Christmas present, if I do say so myself.  If I could only convince the hubs, who totally refuses to even discuss the topic remotely.  I just can't understand his logic, because I would say it's a win-win?!  I mean, mayyyyybe I would dress totally whore-ish occassionally, but not like, ALL the time.  And sure, maybe I'd let random people see/feel them, but what's the harm in that??! 

Well, at this rate it looks like I'll have to go yet another year w/o fake tatas.  I guess I should be thankful that my hubby loves my bod just the way it is.  {Either that, or he's just being a total cheapskate}.

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