Monday, October 24, 2011


My husband has this habit of saying "Long story short" before telling practically every story.  The problem is... he NEVER gives tells the short story!  I find it super cute/hilarious.  Case in point, today he got home from work and said this:  "to make a long story short, last night I was going on this call and I met with the suspect and did this(insert the exact play-by-play here) and then I had to meet with the victim so I went here and did this(again, insert the whole play-by-play) and then I decided I might need my cell phone, and I never use my cell phone at work so then after meeting with the victim I realized I didnt have my phone on me so I must have left it in the car. But then, when I was driving I looked down and realized it wasn't in the cup holder where it's always at and so then I had to restep my earlier steps.  I went here, then there then {blah blah blah} and then I figured it must truly be lost.  So then I was telling a co-worker about it and she decided we should restep my steps again even thought I thought it was pointless so we went here, then there, and it turned out it was in the middle of the road all along!"  -- All the while I'm thinking damn, if this is the short story I'd SURE hate to hear the long story.  I'm pretty sure Jake doesn't understand what "long story short" means.  Otherwise the story could've been:  "I lost my cell last night but crazy enough I ended up finding it in the middle of the road."  Oh well...Love this husband of mine, and his very detailed lengthy stories!!

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