Before I head out for the night I wanted to write a quick review on my latest read. (A couple of you have texted and asked about it!) It's called Created to be His Help Meet. The title is pretty self-explanatory huh?! I read this book because:
a.) I like books based on Scripture,
b.) I wanted to read about marriage from a biblical standpoint, and
c.) it had a ton of controversial reviews.
Seemed like people either absolutely LOVED it or absolutely hated it. I ended up falling somewhere in the middle. A lot of the info was outdated and entirely too old fashioned. Definitely sexist when it comes to a woman's supposed "role". Also, where Scripture was quoted it was taken completely out of context and even misinterpreted a lot of times. When you marry, you are vowing to love, honor and respect your husband no matter what..."even if he cheats, beats you, molests your kids, etc." --I disagreed with the author's standpoint on these particular issues. Yes, I vowed my committment, but for ME, I have to draw the line somewhere! It says a woman's house, children and even yard work are ALL her responsibility. It advised against having girl friends. And against getting your children vaccinated. (Last time I checked these were personal beliefs!) I believe in an equal partnership with total mutual respect. However, with that being said your husband IS supposed to be the leader of your family and you were created to be his helper. This book also broke down the 3 types of men, and how to best approach whichever man you have and how to get the best results with him. This book challenges you to to choose joy and thankfulness no matter the circumstances; I can attest to the power of positive thinking, so I loved that part of the book! There was a lot of great advice that will help deepen your relationship, tried and SO TRUE. There were some strong positive messages and even though they weren't refuted via Scripture they are still helpful and practical.
All in all this book made me realize how lucky I am to have a man that lightens the load of my wifely duties and most importantly who treats me as an equal. I won't ever be my husband's doormat (Thank God he'd never want that anyway!) He leads our family, but not without my input, respectively. I would say this book is for people who aren't too impressionable and who are willing to take it with a grain of salt; take the good with the bad(<--and lots of it.) This isn't verbatim from the Bible and shouldn't be treated as such. It's not a how-to book. (well, it is, but only SOME parts are accurate!) If you happen to read it, let me know what you think!
Well adios for now folks, I'm late late lateeeeeeeee for my girls night out!!!!!!!
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