Sunday, October 30, 2011

In the mood...

Too much?
For implants.  Seems like everrrrrrrrrrry year about this time I get the itch for a boob job.  I guess because I think it would make a pretty damn good Christmas present, if I do say so myself.  If I could only convince the hubs, who totally refuses to even discuss the topic remotely.  I just can't understand his logic, because I would say it's a win-win?!  I mean, mayyyyybe I would dress totally whore-ish occassionally, but not like, ALL the time.  And sure, maybe I'd let random people see/feel them, but what's the harm in that??! 

Well, at this rate it looks like I'll have to go yet another year w/o fake tatas.  I guess I should be thankful that my hubby loves my bod just the way it is.  {Either that, or he's just being a total cheapskate}.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

TMI: Annual Exams... *shudder*

Is this a great photo or what?!
 Does anyone else absolutely hate, hate, HATEEEEEEEEEEE going to the Gyno as much as I do???  Thank God you only have to do it once a year.  I dread it BIG TIME. I go to my regular Doctor once-a-freakin-month {Hypochondriac much?} and I love my every six month dental cleanings!  But Gynos... Ughhh.. I think it's awkward and horrible and THE WORST THING EVER.  Except the boob check part, that's like a free mini-massage and it feels pretty great.  So anyway, I have to be ready and "in the mood" to go to the gyno--like if I get the ballsies to call up and make an appointment, then I'm wanting to get in the same day.  Once the moment passes I'm totally over it, who knows when the mood will strike again, ya know?!  All the factors have to be just right:  the right mood, the right time of the month, shaved legs, fresh brazilian, and matching clean socks.  Trust me, those things don't happen in unison very often.  I called my doctor's office just the other day to schedule my annual exam and was hoping to get in ASAP.  I had just given myself a particularly perfect wax so I figured I should up the ante from my usual one and only visitor (Jake, duh) and let a professional take a looksie.  (Do doctor's even care about that? Probably not but I assume they appreciate the extra effort.)  So anyway, the receptionist told me I MUST wait another full month before coming in because it had not yet been a year.  I told her that was okay, I didn't mind and I was ready to come in NOW.  She said NO and explained it like this: "Think of it like getting your oil changed...You wouldn't want to do it just because, you'd wait until you hit 3000 miles". 

Ohhhh, I get it now -- Apparently I need to put a few more miles on my vagina. . . Thanks for explaining it like that lady, much-o appreciated!

Monday, October 24, 2011


My husband has this habit of saying "Long story short" before telling practically every story.  The problem is... he NEVER gives tells the short story!  I find it super cute/hilarious.  Case in point, today he got home from work and said this:  "to make a long story short, last night I was going on this call and I met with the suspect and did this(insert the exact play-by-play here) and then I had to meet with the victim so I went here and did this(again, insert the whole play-by-play) and then I decided I might need my cell phone, and I never use my cell phone at work so then after meeting with the victim I realized I didnt have my phone on me so I must have left it in the car. But then, when I was driving I looked down and realized it wasn't in the cup holder where it's always at and so then I had to restep my earlier steps.  I went here, then there then {blah blah blah} and then I figured it must truly be lost.  So then I was telling a co-worker about it and she decided we should restep my steps again even thought I thought it was pointless so we went here, then there, and it turned out it was in the middle of the road all along!"  -- All the while I'm thinking damn, if this is the short story I'd SURE hate to hear the long story.  I'm pretty sure Jake doesn't understand what "long story short" means.  Otherwise the story could've been:  "I lost my cell last night but crazy enough I ended up finding it in the middle of the road."  Oh well...Love this husband of mine, and his very detailed lengthy stories!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

So sickly.

Sad face.  ICK. I'm so freaking sickkkkkkkkkk :(  I woke up this a.m. feeling like total poop.  For realsies.  Sore/swollen throat, achy back/neck, FEVER, all clogged up, horrible earaches... no fun, basically.  As most of you readers already know, Jake has been SO.FREAKING.SICK. for what seems like forever!  Thank God he is finally feeling a little better and is back to work. {although, he goes to work no matter what anyway}.  He seems to always get way worse before he starts to get better bc he refuses to take medicine until he feels like death.  I, on the other hand will take medicine as soon as the slightest onset of illness hits me.  I load up on meds and lots of vitamin C, and it usually does the trick.  So, LITERALLY just yesterday morning on the way to work, I was thinking about how friggin awesome my immune system must be since I seem to stay so healthy.  Should have knocked on wood, apparently.  I will say though, it seems like every time I do get sick its on my days off.  I have not decided if that's a curse or a blessing.... Phew, okay, just wanted to throw myself a pity party, but moving right along!

Today I went to the State Fair and had a blast despite feeling so crummy.  Gotta love fresh air, or possibly pollution, you know, whichever.  Idk WHY the state fair in Dallas has to be in the freaking HOOD.  At the MLK stoplight some creeper/possible gang member approached my car window all scary-like.  I pretended to not hear or see him which was a little awkward because he was like TOTALLY all up in my face and we were practically making eye contact.    My dad said I should just run people over that approach my car.  I feel like I could get in trouble for that, no? Anyway though, I had my "yearly" funnel cake and it was delish.  They sell some pretty healthy sounding stuff likeeee.. Fried pineapple upside down cake, fried cake balls, fried mash potatoes, fried beer, fried queso, fried biscuits and gravy, and my personal fave: fried gilled cheese.  That's no typo on my part, that's LITERALLY what the sign said.  If anyone knows what gilled cheese is, please help a sista out!!!   I can't believe the things that people think to fry up @ the fair -- it's pretty incredible//gross.  There was a stand that sold $1.00 hot dogs which seemed very questionable considering NOTHING at the fair is under $8.00.  All in all though - I had a great time today!!  I'm happy it wasn't overcrowded and that the weather was perfect.  Looking forward to going back next year...maybe. :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Book Review

Before I head out for the night I wanted to write a quick review on my latest read.  (A couple of you have texted and asked about it!)  It's called Created to be His Help Meet.  The title is pretty self-explanatory huh?!  I read this book because:

a.) I like books based on Scripture, 
b.) I wanted to read about marriage from a biblical standpoint, and 
c.) it had a ton of controversial reviews. 

Seemed like people either absolutely LOVED it or absolutely hated it.  I ended up falling somewhere in the middle.  A lot of the info was outdated and entirely too old fashioned.  Definitely sexist when it comes to a woman's supposed "role".  Also, where Scripture was quoted it was taken completely out of context and even misinterpreted a lot of times.  When you marry, you are vowing to love, honor and respect your husband no matter what..."even if he cheats, beats you, molests your kids, etc." --I disagreed with the author's standpoint on these particular issues.  Yes, I vowed my committment, but for ME, I have to draw the line somewhere!  It says a woman's house, children and even yard work are ALL her responsibility.  It advised against having girl friends.  And against getting your children vaccinated.  (Last time I checked these were personal beliefs!)  I believe in an equal partnership with total mutual respect.  However, with that being said your husband IS supposed to be the leader of your family and you were created to be his helper.  This book also broke down the 3 types of men, and how to best approach whichever man you have and how to get the best results with him.  This book challenges you to to choose joy and thankfulness no matter the circumstances; I can attest to the power of positive thinking, so I loved that part of the book!  There was a lot of great advice that will help deepen your relationship, tried and SO TRUE.  There were some strong positive messages and even though they weren't refuted via Scripture they are still helpful and practical.

All in all this book made me realize how lucky I am to have a man that lightens the load of my wifely duties and most importantly who treats me as an equal. I won't ever be my husband's doormat (Thank God he'd never want that anyway!)  He leads our family, but not without my input, respectively.  I would say this book is for people who aren't too impressionable and who are willing to take it with a grain of salt; take the good with the bad(<--and lots of it.)  This isn't verbatim from the Bible and shouldn't be treated as such.  It's not a how-to book. (well, it is, but only SOME parts are accurate!)  If you happen to read it, let me know what you think!

Well adios for now folks, I'm late late lateeeeeeeee for my girls night out!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Stars...

MIGHT just be aligning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Fingers. Crossed.  And reminding myself that what's meant to be WILL be.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Work Flood

Yup, that's right, I have some MAJOR time off right now. Well, maybe not major, but 5 days worth total!  Apparently over the weekend my suite at work experienced some flooding, due to a pipe leak in the men's bathroom.  (I knew it could be bad being so close to the bathrooms!)  THANK THE LORD only clean water leaked, but nonetheless, there is some damage to my room + stuff.  I haven't gone to survey the damage yet, but I'm headed up there this afternoon so I can take a look around.  Then I'll be hitting the road to go buy replacement stuff!  Last night was a little chaotic...calling/texting/emailing clients who were booked through Wednesday - and during the Cowboy game at that.  But, I have almost everyone rescheduled, so I'm feeling pretty good about it.  Other than that, I should be able to resume normal operations on Thursday.

Now, a pessimistic person could see all this as some horrible catastrophe and have a total "why me?" pity party/meltdown - but, NOT I.  I genuinely feel very calm about the situation.   This is one of the things I talked about in a previous post - something I cannot change.  Stomping my feet and bitching about how inconvenienced I am will get me nowhere.  I'm not sour about the 3 days worth of lost income or the associated cost of refurnishing my place.  I figure everything happens for a reason, so as random as this seems it must be for something.  Maybe to teach me patience, maybe to give me a little break from work.  Maybe so I can spend some time outside in this perfect weather w/ my puppies!  This morning I woke up with a severe headache--the kind I haven't had in months.  I'm VERY glad that I was able to sleep in, and not have to work through it!  Phew.

Well, I'm off to leisurely get dressed and enjoy my day! AND the next 3 days off -- Wishing EVERYONE a great week!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My Right Now MUST Haves

Amika Treatment Oil {$34.00}
LOVE this stuff!!  I USED to use MorrocanOil, Argan Oil, and basically any time of de-frizz serum I could get my hands on.  Here's why I made the switch.  Most hair oils that I've used in the past seem to soak right into the hair and then disappear.  Amika oil soaks into the hair, but I wouldn't say it disappears.  You can feel smoother, softer, shinier hair even a day and a half after each use.  You can even still smell the fresh scent!  This stuff makes my ends look freshly cut and undamaged.  I use this on dry hair, just prior to using my straightening or curling iron.  You only need a few drops.. (REALLY). A little bit goes a LONG way!

Retinol Anti-Wrinkle Facial Serum {$10.99}

I bought this stuff on a whim because I wanted to use something vitamin-a infused, and you cannot beat the price.  Plus it had awesome reviews.  The product description says you will notice diminished lines and wrinkles after only two weeks.  Long story short?  It REALLY does work.  My skin is super moisturized and more even-toned. My pores are even smaller!  I didn't have any deep wrinkles to begin with but the lighter ones seem to be completely gone!  Definitely a keeper and worth trying yall!  I can't wait to try other products from this line!

Best Shampoo+Conditioner (to strengthen):
Paul Mitchell Awapuhi Wild Ginger Shampoo + Keratin Cream Rinse {$45.00}

I've been using this sulfate-free set for a while now and I love it!  It has a light scent and leaves my hair feeling stronger and healthier, I think due to the keratin.  Great for people who have damaged or color-treated hair AND safe for people who get the Brazilian Blowout like myself!

OTHER Best Shampoo + Conditioner (to moisturize):
MorrocanOil {$50.00}

I've been using this stuff for years, and its definitely my go-to shampoo and conditioner, especially in the summer.  The scent is all sweet and beachy. MMMmmmm. This set is also sulfate-free and REALLY moisturizes your hair and does a great job w/ cleansing too.  LOVE it!

Okay. Thats all for now folks!  Try these things if you're looking to try something new and life changing!  (okay..maybe it won't change your life) but whatever, it's the stuff I love..RIGHT N O W.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Give Thanks! [Life ain't that bad!]

So I'm reading a new book right now and although there is a LOT for me to disagree with in it, there is also a whole lot that I've learned from it.  In my 'QUEST' for constant self-improvement, one of the most important things to me is to improve in the area of being a wife.  This is the single MOST important "job" in my life and something I absolutely refuse to fail at.  Jake and I are very fortunate that we have a happy love-filled marriage.  However, it will always take working at to keep it that way.  So anyway, back to the book!  Something I've been striving to improve on is giving thanks a LOT more often and for the smaller things in life - especially as they relate to the hubs.  The book also says to SMILE more often -- seems simple right?  It is!  It's freaking WILD how much this approach has improved our relationship already.  Smiles are contagious...If I'm in a happy joy-filled mood, Jake is too!  I've also been striving to keep a positive attitude on things that I cannot change.  It's much more uplifting and stress-free to go with the flow and not let things get me down.  I always think: Things could be SO much worse.  Plus, misery may love company, but negative attitudes just drag everyone down, and WHO freaking wants to be Debbie-downer!!??! Gotta keep things in perspective.  As long as I have my hubby beside me then nothing is THAT bad--not the end of the world anyway.   

{ Today or any day you say an unkind word- Think of someone who can't speak. Before you complain about the taste of your food- Think of somenone who has nothing to eat. Before you complain about your husband or wife- Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion. Today or any day you complain about life- Think of someone who went too early. Before you complain about your children- Think of someone who desires children but they're barren. Before you argue about your dirty house someone didn't clean or sweep- Think of people who are living in the streets. Before whinning about hte distance you drive Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet. And when you are tired and complain about your job- Think of the unemployed, the disabled, and those who wish they had your job. But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another- Remember that not one of us is without sin and we all answer to one MAKER. And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down- Put a smile on your face and thank GOD you're alive and still around. }

Loved this so thought I should share! 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Let's talk about Milk

Oh my Jesus, I learned something pretty crazy yesterday.  (p.s. I don't consider that using Jesus' name in vain because I'm not using it in vain.)  So, I was doing a little reading up on breastfeeding, and...{are you ready for this?}  like, ANYONE can do it.  I'm not talking pregnant women, and mothers and grandmothers (duh) I'm talking people who don't even have kids OR who have ever had them. (Or even MEN according to Jill!)  Is that not freaking wild?  Am I the last person in the world to learn this??  All it takes is a little 'stimulation.'  Soooo you can pump a few times a day and BAM you will be a milk-producin' lady.  I find these facts so nuts that I had a full-on discussion with Jill last night to full discuss the process, and the possible negative side effects, because YES I would totally consider doing it just to freaking see if its true.

On the upside, pumping milk COULD make your tatas bigger.  Amen to that!  Also, it burns calories, and pumping milk sounds a whole lot easier and a lot less sweaty than cardio!  Another plus: I hear you can sell your milk on ebay or craigslist.  Do I hear the sound of another on-the-side-business???  (that made no sense.  I mean, what would that 'sound' even sound like??) Hmm... I am challenged.

NOW.. lets discuss the downside.  EVERYONE knows that b-feeding will F up your nips/tatas.  I'd love a set of big boobs, but I do NOT want ugly saggy big boobs with oddly shaped nips.(no offense to those who have 'em).  Let's also talk about leakage.  Sounds kiiiiinda messy.  And also sounds like they'd have to be off limits which wouldn't be much fun. 

Lets face it, the tradeoffs are NOT worth it, AND more importantly everyone would think I was a total know, for pumping breast milk FOR NO DANG REASON other then to prove the internet wrong.  Who even does that if they don't have a baby??? *DISCLAIMER* the sad drawbacks to breastfeeding would totally go out the window if I did have my own baby.  I'd give up my boob-vanity. 

In other news, I used the word moralty yesterday.  Except it's not a word.  In my mind, it was like using 'morality' but a shorter, better and cooler version.  Great, is cooler a word?  Or should it have been more cool?   I don't know,  I need help.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Staycation, 2011: Recap

Twisted Root!
Yup. Delicious.
So, the hubs and I had some major time off together this past weekend, and it was pretty much..uhhh...amazing!!  I love when we get lots of quality alone time in to totally relax and reconnect.  Before it all went down we{I?} had to set a few ground rules.. no work talk + an open mind + NO asking/worrying about how much $$$ we were spending (ahem, JAKE).  We thought it'd be fun to do something different and get out of the house a little more then we usually do.  Yeah, we're totally homebodies.. 
On Friday I surprised Jake w/ a total full-on date day. We had Twisted Root for lunch (he'd never been) and then shopped around @ the shops at fairview. {LOVE that area!} It couldn't have been a more pretty breezy day! After all that we went to Ipic Theatres for the first tine...let me just say - amaaaazing! Imagine your own little private area w/ plush fully reclining chairs, free gourmet popcorn, complimentary pillows & blankets, huge assortment  of cocktails/food/beer, (NOT complimentary) was like watching a movie in bed! You know, if you lay in bed w/ whiskey and popcorn... I rate this part of the date as: WORTH. EVERY. PENNY.  Lord help me if I ever have to go to a 'regular' theatre again.

Saturday we had another fun day! We started at Best Buy and each got something at random that we wanted. I got a pen for my iPad, (AMEN) and Jake bought.....a quesadilla maker. Yes, you read that right. Lol, so well see how that works out.  Since we had so much fun the day before at Shops @ Fairview, this time we went across the street and hit up the Shops @ Allen (it's toooo pretty to not be outdoors!)  We went to Cheddars for lunch - and if you haven't been there, you SO need to go.  Cheap food, cheap drinks, SUPER yummy... DO IT.  We seriously shared a million different things off the menu. Cue food baby!

All Smiles!

Man + Baby = Cuteness

And SPEAKING of babies....Sunday we went and visited our parents and friends Emily & Rj!  We loveeeee being outside watching football, and even MORE-SO w/ fam + friends + alcohol.  We also love Em & Rj's adorable, sweet baby: Halley.  She is THE cutest thing, and she's started smiling, like ALL the time. :)  What a happy baby!  Jake is so good with her, and for some reason when your hubby holds a baby its such an "awwww" moment!  We just adore seeing this little child.  I spend some time playing w/ Emily's fancy camera to take a bunch of pics of Halley, and decided that I MUST become a photographer.  You know, when the hubs stops being cheap and lets me get a real camera. 

Seriously. How good are my photog skills??

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Note to self: shut bathroom door

So there I the midst of our awesome little stay-cation(I'll explain that later)- Soaking up a nice relaxing bubble bath...jamming to the 60's on pandora... Feeling all squeaky clean. I sat up and in plops.... Sampson's front two legs. I tried to push him out but he was pretty set on lapping up as much water as he possibly could. In comes leg#3 and it was time for reinforcements - cue super husband.

All he could do was laugh and point out that it was cute. Not funny, husband.