Wellllp... guess who is feeling MUCH-OH better? -->this girl.<-- My headache is almost totally gone, it hits a few times a day but NOTHING like the pain I was feeling last week, ouch!
Hooorayy, It's officially the HOLIDAY season! Who is ready for Christmas shopping, music, trees, FOOD, and my PERSONAL FAVE, LIGHTS!!! There is nothing more festive then a lit up house I tell ya! Growing up, dousing the house in Christmas lights was always a family tradition. My dad took mega pride in lighting our house up and throwing up more lights then there was room for. When it got dark, my mom, sister and I would go out into the street, so my dad could turn the lights on for the big reveal! Several times before Christmas we would drive around town and 'oooh' and 'ahhh' at the beautiful houses, while being all cliche listening to 'deck the halls' and 'joy to the world' and sippin' egg nog!! (okay that part isn't entirely true.. maybe just my parents were sippin' the nog.) ahhhhh, memories!
Anyway SOMEHOW, I married a man who is not THE least bit interested in doing the whole lights thing. He does not care to drive around and admire them, and he is ESPECIALLY not fond of putting lights on our own house. (After all "what comes up, must come down"). He is not a fan of xmas music, or seriously anything remotely festive. (bah-hum-bug!) Last Christmas was our first in our brand new home. I begged my hubs to decorate our house and even stressed the importance of such; but he was a big ole grinch and flat out refused! The year before that was the first year I could even talk him into letting me put a Christmas tree up, so I figured...okay... baby steps.
Our House & the "Blank Canvas" Hubby had to work with. |
A few days ago Jakey-poo was at Wal-Mart and I asked him to pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee pick up a few strands of lights because this year "we absolutely HAVE to get in the Christmas spririt like everyone else in our neighborhood". Well, I come home from work...pull into the driveway, and WHAT do I see??? The most pathetic excuse for 'decorating' I have EVER seen, AND the biggest embarrassment in the neighborhood.
Fancyness |
Looks like its time we hire a professional . . .
UPDATE - the hubs DID change up the lights a bit and spruce things up. Our lights are not award-worthy or possibly even photo worthy but...they're better then they were. Good Husband. :)