Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm Not Random,
I Just Have Many Thoughts

  • I like cinnamon on everything. literally. waffles, steak, chicken, french fries, pork chops. Mmmm.. Now I'm hungry.
  • I wear orthopedic shoes to work.. and sometimes outside of work = FUGLY, but I don't care.  They are sooooo comfy!
  • My favorite dept. store is Nordstrom, which I had never seen or heard of before moving to Dallas.
  • I like politics and love watching political debates.
  • Very conservative, moral and ethical.  Yet, I don't judge people that are the exact opposite.  I'm even good friends with quite a few.
  • I secretly want a teensy tattoo.  But I will never get one.
  • I have a deathly fear of needles.  Blood work is done as a last resort at all times.
  • Dislike people who have that sense of entitlement and never say thank you.  Proof that money doesn't buy class.
  • Love music, but couldn't tell you who sings what, or what the name of a song is. Love all genres too!
  • I can't leave my house w/o my pink water bottle.  It's like my security blanket. 
  • Love being TAN, but wouldn't set foot in a tanning bed. Spray tan? Sign me up!
  • I eat out almost every single meal. Its a terrible habit, that I plan to break w/ my new years resolution.
  • Quote / blog / celeb gossip addict.
  • I'm bossy. A lottttttttttttt.
  • I love to travel.  Been so many great places and can't wait to go more!
  • I despise rush-hour traffic.  I would rather be moving for 2 hours then sitting dead still for 30 minutes.
There you have it. You now know me *slightly* better. 

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