Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Meet My Husband, Mr. Grinch

Wellllp... guess who is feeling MUCH-OH better? -->this girl.<-- My headache is almost totally gone, it hits a few times a day but NOTHING like the pain I was feeling last week, ouch! 

Hooorayy, It's officially the HOLIDAY season!  Who is ready for Christmas shopping, music, trees, FOOD, and my PERSONAL FAVE, LIGHTS!!!  There is nothing more festive then a lit up house I tell ya!  Growing up, dousing the house in Christmas lights was always a family tradition.  My dad took mega pride in lighting our house up and throwing up more lights then there was room for.  When it got dark, my mom, sister and I would go out into the street, so my dad could turn the lights on for the big reveal!  Several times before Christmas we would drive around town and 'oooh' and 'ahhh' at the beautiful houses, while being all cliche listening to 'deck the halls' and 'joy to the world' and sippin' egg nog!! (okay that part isn't entirely true.. maybe just my parents were sippin' the nog.) ahhhhh, memories!

Anyway SOMEHOW, I married a man who is not THE least bit interested in doing the whole lights thing.  He does not care to drive around and admire them, and he is ESPECIALLY not fond of putting lights on our own house.  (After all "what comes up, must come down"). He is not a fan of xmas music, or seriously anything remotely festive.  (bah-hum-bug!)  Last Christmas was our first in our brand new home.  I begged my hubs to decorate our house and even stressed the importance of such; but he was a big ole grinch and flat out refused!  The year before that was the first year I could even talk him into letting me put a Christmas tree up, so I figured...okay... baby steps. 

Our House & the "Blank Canvas" Hubby had to work with.
A few days ago Jakey-poo was at Wal-Mart and I asked him to pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeee pick up a few strands of lights because this year "we absolutely HAVE to get in the Christmas spririt like everyone else in our neighborhood".  Well, I come home from work...pull into the driveway, and WHAT do I see???   The most pathetic excuse for 'decorating' I have EVER seen, AND the biggest embarrassment in the neighborhood.

 My sweet, thoughtful and oh-so-creative husband decorated TWO bushes.  Thats it.  Thats as festive as it gets for him folks! ;) Now, HE ofcourse thought this was just hilarioussssssss.  He had this look on his face like "What?  You wanted lights, you got 'em." Oh and he even took the time to walk me outside again so he could admire his fine work.  Smart@$$.

Looks like its time we hire a professional . . .

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Turkey Day....Blues :(

Well, I wanted to write something cute and fun on Thanksgiving but my brain is total MUSH.  I've now had a headache since at least SATURDAY (thats 5 days for those of you who don't feel like counting).  The headache goes back and forth between a full-blown migraine and a terrrrible headache that I just cannot shake.  I've tried excedrine migraine, which usually works wonders, and NOTHING.  Took vicodin the next day, again, nothing.  Finally Wednesday I went to the Dr. and she prescribed Imitrex.  Well, took 6 doses of it, and again, NO CHANGE.  Still severe.  My mom gave me 2 tylenol w/ codine, and I swear to you, this headache has no plans on vacating my brain.  Ouch, ouch, ouch. I sound like a total pill poppin crackhead at the moment, but let me say that I actually really HATE putting meds in my bod.  At this point, I will try anything to get rid of this shiz!  Can someone just put me out of my misery already????   I am in way too much pain and am pretty cranky. :(  Ahhh, my poor husband.  My Dr. ordered a MRI and a MRA on my brain so we can hopefully figure this thang out, and SOOOOON!  I'm just ready to be headache-free for 5 minutes. Ahh that would be pure heaven!   

Okay, just tiger-balmed my temples and neck, and im hittin' the sack.  Yes, at 8:30 p.m.!  And b-t-w I also wanted to mention that the hubs and I had a great Thanksgiving!  This was the first year we had Jake's dad over to eat w/ my parents and we had a really good time.  It was nice to not have to choose between famililes and get to see both!  Hope everyone has lots to be thankful for today. :)


Sunday, November 21, 2010

Black Friday

shopping bagsOkay shoppers, who is ready for Black Friday???  [Or even better (I think!) Cyber Monday!]  Hooray for Christmas shopping!  I used to loveeeee Black Friday when I lived in a small town.  Yeah, there were the same enormous crowds of sleep deprived people on a mission, just less of them.  You could go at 5 in the am or 1 in the pm and you would most likely still be able to find good dealios.  Living in a large metropolitan area, though - attending Black Friday is impossible.  Every store is packed to max capacity or beyond and its literally DANGEROUS.  I love a good deal, but not if i have to get physical and throw 'bows to get it.  I also am NOT a fan of long lines and rude azzzz people trying to take things right out of my hands or basket!  People get CRAZY.  One year I was standing in line to get a tv, and this lady behind me had her hands all over a tv's box w/ this look in her eyes that said "touch this and i'll slit your throat" - the rediculous part is that there were like 60 tvs available and maybe 10 people in line.  This lady looked pretty hostile all up in her PJs and sponge rollers, and I think she could've taken me out so I just let her do her thang.  Anyway, I love looking through all the ads to see what's on sale.  This year I hear that most stores are offering the same deals online with FREE shipping, so that sounds like a much better option.  I have a feeling you'll have to be quick on the take though!  Good luck and God be with you if you plan to brave the crowds - I'll be all cozied up on my couch, internet shopping fo sho. 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

I'm Not Random,
I Just Have Many Thoughts

  • I like cinnamon on everything. literally. waffles, steak, chicken, french fries, pork chops. Mmmm.. Now I'm hungry.
  • I wear orthopedic shoes to work.. and sometimes outside of work = FUGLY, but I don't care.  They are sooooo comfy!
  • My favorite dept. store is Nordstrom, which I had never seen or heard of before moving to Dallas.
  • I like politics and love watching political debates.
  • Very conservative, moral and ethical.  Yet, I don't judge people that are the exact opposite.  I'm even good friends with quite a few.
  • I secretly want a teensy tattoo.  But I will never get one.
  • I have a deathly fear of needles.  Blood work is done as a last resort at all times.
  • Dislike people who have that sense of entitlement and never say thank you.  Proof that money doesn't buy class.
  • Love music, but couldn't tell you who sings what, or what the name of a song is. Love all genres too!
  • I can't leave my house w/o my pink water bottle.  It's like my security blanket. 
  • Love being TAN, but wouldn't set foot in a tanning bed. Spray tan? Sign me up!
  • I eat out almost every single meal. Its a terrible habit, that I plan to break w/ my new years resolution.
  • Quote / blog / celeb gossip addict.
  • I'm bossy. A lottttttttttttt.
  • I love to travel.  Been so many great places and can't wait to go more!
  • I despise rush-hour traffic.  I would rather be moving for 2 hours then sitting dead still for 30 minutes.
There you have it. You now know me *slightly* better. 

Home is Where the ♥ is

I am fickle. That's me. With the most randomist of things, I tell you. And yes, 'randomist' is a word if I want it to be. Just yesterday I was complaining to my husband about how BORED I was going to be tonight with no plans. (He's working, boooo!) The thought of being home alone doing nothing on a weekend always sounds so lame. Then today my mom called - I totally forgot that her and my niece wanted to come up for a girls weekend. Instantly I was thinking 'Awwww mannn, but I just want to stay home and do nothing.' As much as I love the thought of having company over, and especially seeing my family, the truth is: I am a lazy homebody! Especially since we bought our house. I just love being here! There is something about lounging around in my PJ's, sans makeup + a messy ponytail and just hanging w/ the doggies that is super appealing to me. No pressure. Its just relaxing and EASY.

But the moral of the story here is that I always want the opposite. I buy something I have to have, then want to take it back. I make plans, then *wish* I could cancel. When I'm at work, I wish I was at home and (surprisingly) vice versa. Its a bad habit... I try to remind myself though, the grass may look greener on the other side, but it's JUST as hard to cut.

Anyway though, my mom and niece decided to come up tomorrow instead and we'll do lunch and shopping. Score! I get to see my family, shop, AND I get my nice, quiet, Saturday night in... alllllll alone. ahhhhh :)
(Not Me, BTW.)

Friday, November 19, 2010

Introducing. . .

Halloween 2010

It's time I introduce you to my babies.  They are a biiiiiiiiiiiiiig part of my super exciting married life, so I must share their goodness with you.  Besides, what else am I gonna talk about?

Sampson: "Feed me"

Sampson is our *adorbs* 3 y/o weimaraner. (Left)  We got him as a sweet little cutesy tiny puppy!  He did lots of fun things as a puppy like ate our Chistmas ornaments (and pooped them out WHOLE for days straight - now THATS what I call talent), and tore sheetrock off of our walls.    Slowly but surely he turned into a spoiled rotton, but "good" dog.  He is very very hyperactive and jumps all over our guests, but its just because he wants to give everyone some lovin'.  He's super sweet and just lovessss all people. He's my big boned cutie-pie!

Buddy & The Dog
 Buddy-Charlie is our newly adopted 3 y/o vizsla.  We got him July of 2010, off of craigslist(Classy!).  We arent sure about his past, but we think he may have been abused.  :(  He is scared of new people, but once he warms up to you, you can't get his 60 lb azz out of your lap.  He enjoys watching tv 24/7. Seriously, we can't tear him away from the tube, its pretty funny.  We love our new addition, even if he constantly gets in the trash and *occasionally* poops in the house.  Why does he have two names?  His OLD name was Buddy; I wanted to change his name to Charlie but Jake said you can't change a dogs name after 3 years.  So...he is now Buddy-Charlie.  It doesn't matter much, because he doesn't come to anything we call him. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Baby Fever, Anyone?

So, do you ever wonder when you'll be really ready to have a baby? Like... REEEEALLY ready? I've been blissfully married for almost 2.5 years, and MOST times, Jake and I know that we are not even remotely close to being ready; I'm perfectly content being wifey and dog mommy, but occasionally I get a lil bout of the baby fever..

Case in point, I was driving home from work the other day, glanced over and noticed a minivan and thought oooh thats cute. WAIT, WHAT??? Who thinks minivans are cute and actually wants to drive one? Isn't that a last resort once you've poppedd out a few too many kiddos but you can't afford a more-fashionable suburban? I do believe thats what most moms want to avoid at all cost.! Anyway though, the whole thing freaked me out, like, maybe it was my subconcious saying, "eh, being a minivan driving soccer mom isnt soooooo bad." I definitely get baby brain when lots of friends are preggers. Orrrrrr it could be derived from the fact that im obsessed w/ reading the blogs of prego women. (Why do I even find that so facinating?) Oh, and then theres allllllllllll the pregnancy/baby shows on TLC. And what is it with all babies looking cuter and cuter? I used to think newborns in particular were hideous; occasionally I'd spot a cute one here and there. Also, with my career I'm constantly talking to female clients so of course they make motherhood look and sound like sunshine and roses...

Okay, so yeah, all of the above make for the FEVA' ! ahhh, whats a girl to do? Is the biological clock a tickin'?  Maybe.... But, I will say the hubs and I have a very REALISTIC outlook on the whole baby thang. We definitely consider all the "cosequences". (Possibly a bad choice in words?). hmm.. I just don't think it's the kind of thing you dive right into, blindfolded. Hello, babies mean BIG life changes that one shouldn't fail to consider. We also know there is no magic age, or a certain amount of years we should be married, etc.etc.etc.! We do have just a fewwww things that must come first.

** Job/Financial Security. We don't have to be filthy rich, but there is no way I would want a child if we couldnt fully support and care for it. That doesnt sound appealing at all.  I cannot enjoy my champagne taste on a beer budget!
** A VERY VERRRRY solid foundation. When children come along, they rock the boat so to speak, and if you're already on shakey ground, children will just magnify your problems. I want to set a good example for my children the way my parents did for me. (29 years of marriage and still going strong, wootwoot!)
** Being husband & wife is FUN! This is my most fave reason of all. A lot of people don't take the time to enjoy marriage on their own. My goshhhhh I love my husband SO DANG MUCH that I could be around him every second of every day. He makes me so incredibly happy, and I have fun w/ him doing absolutely nothing. Sorry to get all mushy gooshy, but its true. When people rush into baby-dom I think about all of the great times they're leaving behind and that they possibly failed to appreciate.  Alone time they will NEVER get back. It also makes me wonder if they are just bored in their marriage...  

My silly opinions/family plan aside, I do have to mention that some people skip the marriage part all together and go right for the baby - and it WORKS for them!  Some people start reallllllllllllllly young, and that works for them too, and some people start expanding their fam the day they tie the knot.  I truely believe that just because someone isn't on MY path doesn't mean they're lost.  To each his own; I ain't judgin'. :)  But this is what works for us. Maybe this in-betweeny-stage is more important to me than others - but I love and appreciate it.  Baby-fever or not; and even though we're **almost** there - there is nothing but time, and I'm going to enjoy every minute we've got together....just the two of us <3

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Mid-Week Weekend

Ahhh... the blog itch strikes again!  Is writing is therapeutic even if you're writing of nothing of importance?  All I know is, it just FEELS GOOD!

Anyway!  So, its Wednesday, the start of my mid-week-weekend.  I'm off today and thursday, which I LOVE because I get to spend lots of q-time w/ the hubs!  He plays on an over-30 soccer league on these 2 days so we typically get to do things I like during the day, and then I go watch his games at night.  At first I thought it was going to be sooooooooooooooooo boring, but it turns out its only mildly boring, and sometimes its downright exciting! I feel like an overprotective soccer-mom, or more fittingly, soccer-wife, but anytime he falls, or if someone pushes him, or even LOOKS AT HIM SIDEWAYS I go into full on mega defense mode!!  mess w/ my hubby, oh hellll no.  Dont worry, I only rage on the inside...for now.. I get so proud of Jake when he plays really well and scores goals!  I'm also really happy that he has a fun hobby that he really enjoys.  He's so cute. ;)

On tomorrow's agenda is a leeeetle Christmas shopping and a movie.  I'm pretty lucky that (SHHHHH...) my husband loves chick flix!  His fave is The Notebook, and NO, im not bs-ing!  I hadnt even SEEN the movie before we got together and he just gushed (yes, gushed) about what a great movie it was, and ofcourse he just so happened to own it.  Another 'love' that Jake and I share is celebrity gossip!  I actually really like the fact that my husband is into celebrity dirt, and believe it or not, a LOT of times he's more ahead of me, all talkin' bout.. "You are not going to be BELIEVE [insert gossip here]."  We also share a love for shows like, Gossip Girl, 90210, Jersey Shore, the Bad Girls Club.. ooohhhh, the list goes on.  I'll never forget the day I paused Melrose Place on the DVR, figuring I would hit 'resume' the next day.  I get home, go to pick up where I left off and the whole episode started over, excuse me, WTF?!?! I call my hubs, and  in my typical dramatic fashion I'm like, "UGHGHGH, the DVR is broken, it totally lost my spot on Melrose," and he's like.. "oh, um, yeah, i watched it today while you were at work."  I'm like whoa whoa whoa, now you're watching my shows without me?! What is really going on here??  I will say though, he does have a pretty good excuse -its always "There was nothing else on."  (mmhmm, yeahhh right!) 

Now that I have you all questioning my hubby's sexuality, let me also point out that he's very manly.  He takes out the trash, changes light bulbs and even picks up all the dog poop in the yard.  One lucky girl riiiiight --->here!<---