Sunday, March 27, 2011

"BIG" News!

Say hello to our "new addition".  My husband, Jake, has been truck hunting ever since I sold his last truck on craigslist, and we finally made a purchase!  What a great idea, huh, buying a truck of all things, with a 9" lift, with the awesome gas prices right now?  Oh, and did I mention his 45 minute commute to work each way?  Yeah.. bright idea. I kid, I kid - In all seriousness, his cute little face just LIT UP when he test drove this truck, and I knew it was the ONE.  Ahhh, men.  My only worry with buying a used high mileage vehicle is that we'll end up stuck with a money pit and neverending repairs.  Well, the fun began when we bought the truck on March 17th; It still has yet to see our driveway.  It's been sitting at a mechanic shop ever since - and Lord only knows how much all the repairs will cost!  Boo.  I'm not too bothered though; Smart wives recognize a good opportunity when they see one - This means it's only fair for me to get something equally expensive in the near future.  Is that terrible??

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