Monday, March 7, 2011

When I'm Done...I'm DONE.

I sometimes believe in second chances but it really depends on to what degree you have pissed me off.  If you just, say, talked bad about me - I could get over that.  That's forgivable because I'd probably talk about me too.  And seriously, doesn't everyone talk about everyone else at SOME point in time?  Oh . . no?  Uhmm yeah, . . . me neither. 

But anyway if you have P'd me off to some massive extent I probably won't give you another chance.  I may FORGIVE you, but only for the sake of me not having to carry around the negative karma; but I will never forget, ohhh no.  I have the luxury of being able to quit someone cold turkey and not look back.  I don't hang onto things - I let them go, along with the person.  I don't even know how I do it, but when it's done, it's done.  When I'm done.... I'm finished.   Sounds kind of cold, but it's true.  There is NO WAY I have room in my life for peeps who aren't legit. 

Well, that is all.

1 comment:

  1. You and I have the exact same talent for doing this....So DONT piss me off :)But seriously, this is the only way to be, and some people don't understand that..
