Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Sweet Starbucks LOVE

Okay, so like, EVERYYYYONNEEE loves Starbucks and after years and years of NOT liking all... I have FINALLY found a drink on the menu that I am in dear sweet love with!  Hooray!!  Before the big reveal let me point out that I DON'T like coffee. Vom.  The smell is nice, but the taste?  Not so much.  I have periodically tried things here and there and have yet to be impressed.  But about two weeks ago the hubs and I had a meeting at Starbucks so I figured I'd better order something so it at least SEEMS that I speak the barista language - so here's what I ordered:
Tall Double Chocolately Chip Frap, Nonfat, No Whip

MmMMMmmMmmm  HEAVEN in a cup, LET ME TELL YOU!  And don't let the nonfat/no whip thing misguide you; it is still mega sweet and ultra delicious!  Like a yummy  chocolate shake!  Annnnd, if you order it just like that ^^ it's only 190 calories!  Which means I don't feel so bad about having one justttt about every day SINCE 2 weeks ago. 

NOW I understand being a starbucksaholic.  UM, YES PLEASE!!!

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