WELL I took the WHOLE month off of March and didn't do one teensy ounce of blogging! Okay ~ it wasn't actually on purpose, I just got carried away with all the nothingness I was doing all month. Seriously, when I look back, I'm all uhmmmm, where the F was I all month long?? I'm going to blame it on working. Maybe I didn't work any more than usual, but HOORAY I had a record month! Actually, every month is a little better than the month preceeding so maybe I should stop getting so excited and shocked when I run my end of month reports?? Then again, increasing profits are always reason to celebrate, whoo partttayyy! Now I remember what I spent March doing -- SHOPPING, splurging on myself, throwing back cocktails, lots of dining out and even some treating other people to some little gifties. But now I'm going to come back down to Earth and stop being so wasteful and splurgy. And selfish, basically.
So, I signed up for a gym membership (Jake's bright idea) and I'm working on my fitness! Starting yesterday. :) I took yoga yesterday and I'm doing zumba today! My goal is to hit up atleast 4 classes per week. I'm finally down to my goal weight so this is just so I can feel good AND be somewhat in shape...and not be out of breath when I walk from my car into work. Mmmhmm, it's THAT bad. Since I may or may not end up knocked up at some point this year, I want to be in the best shape possible. Anyway, group classes are kinda my thing-thang so hopefully I can stick with this. I'm locked into contract for 12 months which makes me a leeeetle nervous. If all else fails I'll just use their tanning bed - then it won't be a total waste. I guess.
And last but not least, we had a Dr.'s appointment recently to discuss conception/fertility. We've been off the pill since July-ish of last year (I can't even remember, honestly!). Jake and I have been in serious baby-mode lately.. We love talking about the future and all the things a baby will add to our lives! We also like to talk about our fears with the whole thing -- It's SCARY stuff, you know?! I asked Jake what his #1 fear was -- Was it the responsibility? The financial strain? The fact that our lives will be totally different?? No. Jake's ONLY fear (so he says) is that I'll die. Yes, DIE, during labor. {Eeek!} I don't know whether to think that's sweet or freaking weird. I wonder if that's a common fear for soon-to-be-daddies. Who knows?! Well, so anyway, in the mean time of waiting to turn up preggo we are going to have some genetic testing done. Both of Jake's parents were adopted so we have NO medical history beyond them. Surely everything will be fine, but it can't hurt to be cautious! Especially for a chronic worrier like me. Speaking of worrying - people have asked if we're worried about NOT being pregnant yet. The answer is N O. Although we would love to add to our family, we are confident that it'll happen when it's supposed to. We aren't "trying" REALLY hard by any means...NO doing ovulation trackers and checking daily BMT's ~ We're just having fun the ole fashioned way. We LOVE our marriage and our life together, and we aren't in a crazy hurry to turn everything upside down; We're young, healthy and still have lots of time left to expand our family. It's not a race, people! If it happens soon, we'll be over the moon..but if not we'll just keep on embracing the journey. After "trying" (I use that word loosely) for 18+ months we'll revisit the matter but I don't even want to THINK about crossing that bridge when/if the time comes.
I'm so proud of you! You've turned into such a responsible young lady.. hahah!! Seriously, though, I promise... once you have a little baby of your very own that is a perfect mix of you and Jake, nothing else will matter. Everything will fall into place and all that will matter is that you are in love with your little family. The battle scars left behind from pregnany, baggy eyes from no sleep, and your post baby bod will be outweighed and your life will be completely consumed by the love you have for this little human being you made. Your life as you knew it will no longer be, youre right... but your NEW life will be so fulfilling and wonderful. Take my word for it! I thought we had such a great life and relationship but it is truly better now than I could have EVER imagined. I honestly can't remember what it was like before we had kids... AND, YOU are going to be the queen of mamas, I am sure of it. Can't wait!!