Sunday, February 12, 2012

New Club! I had my first meeting with Jake's new department's Police Wives Association!  No lie, I was totes nervous about going.  I'm like snappppppp what if I screw this up and everyone HATES me??? Eeekk!  I'm happy to report it went well! . . Like, reallllllly well!  The meeting seemed so formal with an agenda and discussion topics and everything!  I was even comfortable enough to speak up throw some of my genius ideas out there!  (I'm usually totally silent around new people!)  All of the ladies were extremely nice and welcoming to me.  I didn't even feel like the "new girl."  I can definitely see Jake's new department as a place that we will forge even more close friendships -- this is EXCITING for us!  Ever since Jake has switched departments, it seems a lot of his former co-workers are thinking about coming over too.  How awesome would that be??  A month and a half into 2012 and I'm feeling really good about it!  I'm ready for Jake to head back to shift work so we can just get back to a regular routine, although, I will sure miss getting to have dinner with him every night AND getting to go to bed together!

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