Sunday, November 6, 2011


So yeah, November is going to be realllllllllllllllllllllllllllyyyyyy exciting and busy for the Sample fam.  First, the obvious: DUH, Black Friday! (bet you thought I was going to say Thanksgiving, huh?!)  Jake and I L-O-V-E Black Friday, and have been participating every year since we've been together.  I love the rush of getting up at 3 am and finding some kick-ass deals!  The last two years we go w/o anything on our 'must have' list so we usually and up with stuff we didn't really NEED, but none-the-less, the deals are entirely TOO good to pass up.  Can't wait to blog about all the cheapy stuff we pick up this year! I'm hoping for a big fancy camera! :)  And maybe a new TV for our living room... (is it just me or are 42" tvs the new 27"??) 

Next on the list... THANKSGIVING!  I seriously cannot wait to see our family and friends!  And I love me some turkey!  Mmmm.. and more than anything I absolutely love spending time w/ the people that I unfortunately don't get to see enough of!

Next up:  Our camping trip!  Maybe I shouldn't call it camping, considering we're staying in a cabin..??  This trip has been planned for going on TWO YEARS so I hope it doesn't fall through.  Should be a total blast!  I'm definitely ready to have some fun and take a break from everyday life -- Gotta love some outdoorsy stuff in the beautiful fall weather! 

Our family is hoping for some change in the next year and it hinges on this oneeeeeeee little(potentially big) thing happening THIS MONTH!  I won't elaborate a whole lot yet, but will definitely blog about it when/if everything happens the way we hope.  So be on the lookout in December or January for an update!  We're just keeping our fingers crossed and hoping for the best!

Yup, I have a feeling November is going to fly by.  I hope everyone has an amazing Thanksgiving ~ Be thankful for all of life's blessings!!! 

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