I had the day off today, and the hubs is @ worky, so what's a girl to do??? OH EM GEEE! I deep cleaned like 5000 square feet of house today! I know what you're thinking.. man, you're house must be gigantic! Well, its not. I had to make the rounds in each room like 3 times. I'm sure I've told many of you how awesome our new floors are compared to the carpet we used to have. I probably even bragged about how much easier they are to keep clean. Well, this is true and false. They don't hold all the dirt and nastyness of carpet, but they can definitely accumulate some filth! Today I had to sweep them. then vacuum. then shopvac all the room edges + floorboards. then mop. then disinfect. Serious cleaning, yo! I even cleaned the ceiling fans for the first time ever! (ew, i know, i know.)(that was a b!tch for reals.) I don't know if I've EVER deep cleaned the house this good! I also did ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL the laundry in the house, which wasn't so bad bc I did that a few weeks ago. Our entire house is looking spiffy! I also decided it's time to make some changes around here too. What does this mean?? I'm ready to......decorate. At least a little! This is also in part due to my recent joining of Pinterst. aka my new obsessh!
This is my TO DO list for the next month or two:
-Re-do the spare bathroom (hang new shower curtains)
-Get new living room furniture.
-Put accent chairs + table next to fireplace.
-Get new entertainment center that hides the tv.
-Get new tv.
-Put SOMETHING behind the couch: tapestry OR curtains
-Get window treatments for living room window
-Paint the dining room. Or bathroom. OR SOME ROOM IN OUR HOUSE.
-Make Buddy's kennel look cute somehow & matchymatchy w/ our bedroom stuff.
-Get new throw pillows for the couch.
-Find a way to convert our dining room to a half-office.
-Make a crafty side table.
-Get rid of bookshelf/turn it into storage for the garage.
THE END. Wow, that's kind of a lot. Maybe it will take longer than I thought. I'll keep yall posted if I'm able to cross ANY off the list. Well, I'm off to make the luckiest-hubby-in-the-world a yummy dinner! I'm trying to show him what life would be like if I was a stay-at-home-wife. HAA yeah right! :)
FINALLYYYYY!!!! I have been telling you for HOW LONG to do all of those things listed above to decorate!!!??? You don't know how happy this makes me!!!!