Well, thanksgiving this year w family + friends was a total success! The hubs and I had a perfect day seeing a lot of people we love dearly! As always though, time flies and the next thing you know, it's time to head home. I definitely MISS the days when I could stop by my parents house every single day. I feel so incredibly fortunate that I have such awesome parents--parents that are healthy, happy and STILL married after 30 years. My mom and dad are so fun to be around, and even my friends enjoy hanging out w/ them! Also VERY thankfully, my husband loves my family so much that we get to see them on every holiday. (If you're married, you know what a big deal this is not to have to fight over the holidays!)

Thanksgiving is always a day to reflect on and count your blessings. Words cannot describe how fortunate and blessed I feel to have such amazing people in my life. Great Family. Best Friends. Pretty-darn-close-to-perfect Hubby. Sweet doggie-children. This year has also been a blessing; Starting my own small business was once just a dream. Now, six months in, I cannot believe the growth I've experienced! I'm no longer stressed out, and LOVE MY JOB! Jake's work-life has also been great! He's been getting in lots of training lately and has been on days for the whole month of November! He's been given wonderful opportunities at work, which makes me so happy/proud of him. I'm always known his potential and how amazing he is, but it's great to see other people recognizing that too. Sigh.
As far as jobs and finances go though - I'm truly just happy that we are afforded the luxury of HAVING and keeping a job. We have a roof over our head; A beautiful home. We have a love-filled marriage and stability. We have all of life's necessities and then some. These things serve as a reminder that we are LUCKY. VERY BLESSED. And forever THANKFUL!
I wanted to share pics from turkey day, but only have time for ONE right now. Here's a pic of me and my FAVE BABY EVER, Halley. This is Emily + RJ's adorable daughter, and yes, she's been pictured on here before, and YES, I like to pretend like she's mine. :) I'll post the rest of the pics SOONNNN!
Sweet Munchkin. |