Saturday, August 27, 2011

Uh, Where did August go?

Time flies once again!  OH MY GOSHHH what a day/month!  Today is a particularly exciting day for my business... I had a daily deal run on  AS OF this point 28 have been purchased!  That makes for 27 new clients!  (1 EXISTING client purchased, even though it specifically says new clients only...)  Anyway, I'm super pumped!  If I can get a few returning clients from this, it would be awesome!  If you've ever run any kind of ad on a daily website, you understand how much money you lose on each sale.  It's totally a double edged sword - people see the name of your business, so its great exposure, but the hosting site keeps 40% off the profit and up.  The deal is already mega discounted, so its a huge hit.  You hope that some (if not all) of the clients return.  All I can do is try my best to give them an awesome service and hope they rebook!  I think there are a lot of people who are discount junkies and literally bounce from place to place for any/all their services, where ever they can get a deal.  Can I blame the economy??  I understand though, I'm a cheapskate too.. gotta love a good bargain!

I'm excited to close out the month of August, business wise!  If my numbers are correct, I should make about $200 more than last month.  That may not sound like a WHOLE lot more, I know, but baby steps!!  If I can get a just a little increase each month, I'll be happy.  Growth, baby, thats what it's about!

In other news . . . uhhmmm... I'm going to do an at home keratin treatment tonight by myself.  I'm really bad at doing my own hair, so I'll let you know if I totally FRY it.  *fingers crossed* hoping for good results!  I hope amazon reviews didn't steer me wrong. 

What an exciting life I lead.... doing a freaking hair treatment on a Saturday night. ;) ahhh, married life!  Does anyone else miss bar hopping and partyin' down all night long??? yeah... me neither... :) 

Have a great weekend, yall!

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