I'm FREEEEEEE! I've been really annoyed with and tired of facebook lately. It gotten to be so vain, which bothers me. They should have called it bragbook or fakebook. ~ I used to love facebook, because people posted funny things that happened to them, witty quotes, crazy situations, awkward moments, great articles they wanted to share..... things that I would find some interest in! I'm tired of reading the boring insignificant crap that most people post. Sadly, it's not one specific person, or I would just delete them. Lots of people commit facebook abuse. (and trust me, I've fallen into one or more of these categories at one point or another, BUT at least it was in moderation and I kept a good balance of positive and realistic) Anyway, for your convenience, I have broken the chronic facebook abusers down into just a few categories:
The braggers/exaggerators:
These "LOOK AT ME" people like to exaggerate how "great" or "perfect" their life is. Typically I believe this means they are trying to convince others of this, or possibly even themselves. These people like to go on and on and ON about a bunch of [literally] BS. "look how lucky I am, look how great my entire life is, check out my luxury car/vacation/home/etc." blah, blah, blah. Every SINGLE POST is a showey attempt at any/everything they think will make other people jealous of their "fabulous" life or all of the materialistic things in it. These would probably be the most unhappy people putting on the biggest front. Fake. I hate it! Nobody's life is perfect ALL the time, so who are you trying to fool??? Not me!
The 'this is what I'm doing every second of every day' people:
These people like to check in literally EVERYWHERE they go. They also make posts several times per day about what EXACTLY they are doing every living breathing second. Nobody cares that you're at the grocery store picking up the following 7 items. Oh, now you're at the bank? How riveting.. These are the people who get hidden in my news feed. I. Don't. Care.
The "Look, I know music" people:
These people also get hidden in my news feed. If you're posting you tube videos more than three times per day of any given song, I want to know why. If you like a song, must you proclaim it to the facebook world? What are you trying to prove? You have a radio? You're have eclectic taste? I like lots of songs too, but you don't see me posting 65,000 youtube music videos on my page. Oh, and then there are those that get ALL of their status updates straight from lyrics. Like they're being all cryptic and emo. Once again, borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrinnnnnngggg. I don't like playing the "ooooh, what does THIS mean game".
The "I am religious because I quote the Bible" people:
Let me FIRST point out that I would consider myself somewhat religious -- we go to church as often as we can, we pray, we TRY to be live as righteous as possible... however, you wouldn't know any of this from reading my facebook. I don't attempt to brag about it. It's a personal choice, not something I need to use to improve my social status. I don't need the entire FB world knowing my religious beliefs, and I don't check in at church and constantly quote the Bible. I'm not looking for approval or acceptance. This is another set of people who are trying to PROVE something. Quoting the Bible doesn't make you a Christian. Personally, I think your spirituality is something that should be a little private. Not everyone will share your beliefs and those people who don't probably don't care to read exact exerts from the Bible 18 times a day.
The "Look what I ate/how much I exercised" people:
I just love when people post on FB when they've had a healthy meal. What I would love even more is if they posted what they ate in BETWEEN all those healthy meals. Here are some exact quotes from FB: "Had a few bites of lettuce for lunch today," "Mmm, check out this veggie stir fry," "Another sugar-free, carb-free, fat-free meal saves the day." And then people also want to post how many miles they ran, how much yoga they did, how many hours they spent at the gym, or you know, whatever. When you have to post about it constantly on FB it makes me wonder... are you doing this for YOU or so you can brag about it? And even more importantly, WHO CARES? I don't care if any of my friends ate one meal that was transfat free this week, or exercised twice. I DO want everyone to eat healthy and get exercise, I just don't want to hear about it EVERY flippin' day. AND I want people to do it for themselves, not because they have something to prove. That being said, if you have some success story or have changed your life with real results and you're proud of your accomplishments, by all means, BRAG, you deserve it! But otherwise, save it.
All in all, what I'm saying is nobody cares how "perfect" your life is, that you can copy and paste a quote or lyric, what you're doing every second, or what you had for dinner. THINK about what you post - what are you trying to prove with each check-in or status update? And keep things in MODERATION. If you must post something braggy, balance it with something realistic so people dont think you're being fake, or trying entirely too hard to impress people. If you're always posting about your healthy meals, don't forget to announce when you've earned a cheat meal and got to eat something crappy!
Anyway, I'm sure I could think up several more categories, but it's a waste of everyone's time including my own. If you want to share an overload of information, start a blog. Clearly that's what I did! Adios facebook, I'll be back when I can conjure up some more patience for people's stupidity!
You make some excellent points. I've considered a break as well.