Tuesday, December 7, 2010

TMI: Toilet Time

This toilet would have me all distracted.
Its scary.

One of my fave things about winter is warm toilet seats.

Um.. Perhaps I should explain???

Okay, SO, I love it when its cold outside and the heat is cranked up... And the potty seat gets alllllllll warm and toasty.  It feels really good, people, don't deny it!  Nothing is worse than an ice cold toilet.  Brrrrrrr~ Well, unless its a super hot day and you're AC is busted, then I suppose it could feel refreshing.  But anyway.....

I googled heated toilet seats because I am THAT serious about my love for them.  I found one on amazon.com for $90 - SCORE!  Its decribed as "an unexpected pleasure that you will enjoy everyday" and it also claims "you will never want to sit on another seat again." 


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