Monday, May 7, 2012

Married to a Cop

It's my hubby's first night of work OUT of training and on his own!  I'm so happy for him!  He's been a Police Officer for almost 4 years now; Being in training since essentially February of this year has been a littttle bit of a beating; Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he's learned a lot.  The great thing about him being on his own now is that I can actually CALL HIM every now and then and have dinner with him.  {HOORAY!}  I can't wait for him to get home in the a.m. so I can hear about allllllll about his night!

When I tell people I'm married to a cop, I get a lot of reactions and questions.. Some people DON'T like cops.  In my opinion, if you don't like the police then you're prrrrrobably a deadbeat or a criminal.  I know some lots of cops are total a-holes.  If a cop gives you a ticket because you were breaking the law, YOU'RE the a-hole, not him.   I've gotten my fair share of fact, probably more than most people.  I don't get out of tickets JUST because I'm married to a cop..{trust me, I've tried}  I'm just as p.o.'d as the next person when I get a ticket; but how can you be mad at the police officer when he's doing his job??  That being said, if you DON'T like cops, then don't call them when you have an emergency. 

One of the questions I get most often is if I worry about my hubby's safety constantly.  In the very beginning, I'd say yes.  I think I'd be carrying around a lot of stress if I worried about what Jake was getting into.  With the things Jake tells me about his nights, it's become very evident that he is calm, cool, & collected.  He has integrity and empathy -- He's just all around a GREAT officer.  I love hearing his stories because he never ceases to amaze me.  I really am so proud of him and what a honest, hard working and dependable man he is.  He became a police officer not because he wants to write stupid (My description, not his) traffic citations to people going a mile over the speed limit, but because he wants to get "real" criminals off of the streets. He thrives on action but is so even keeled that he handles situations well.  As long has he stays proactive and doesn't get complacent, I imagine he's safe each night.. and of course I hope and pray for his well-being at all times. 

Another thing people ask if how in the world we ever see each other with him working nights and me working days.  Well, our schedules typically mesh very well.  Lucky for me, on Jake's day/nights off, he always goes to bed with me and gets on a normal person schedule.  A lot of officers can't do  that, so I'm pretty lucky there.  One of the things I love about us working opposites is that there is always someone home with the dogs.  Jake and I DO spend time together at weird times though.  He gets home about 6:15 in the morning and I always get up when he gets home so we can talk about work and he can wind down a bit.  Then we go to sleep together..even if I have to get up in an hour or so afterwards.  Every week we have one date night together. Our newest thing to do together is hitting the gym so we also try to go together 2X a week or so.  So yeah, our schedules are a little unconventional but they work for us for now.. Quite well! 

All in all, I feel bad that the media has given cops a bad rap.  As much as I respect ALL police officers and what they do, every person is bound to make a mistake.  Right or wrong, I think it's a department's job to sort that kind of thing out.  I hate when media gets involved, blows things up and then random people throw their two cents in without ALL the related information.  Luckily we haven't had to deal with this sort of thing first hand; I just hope we NEVER do!!!

I didn't mean for this to get all long and novel-like, so I'll wrap it up!  I love being married to a police officer;  I'm proud to have a husband that serves the public and keeps people safe.  It may not carry a Dr.'s salary or have the same kind of prestige attached, but I really couldn't be more proud of my hubs! 

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