Sunday, May 27, 2012

30 Days of 30

I'm soooooooooo feeling like an over-achieving wife right now, which is a nice change from my usual adequate-but-average-wife-status.  My hubbys 30th birthday is coming up so I wanted to do something EXTRA special for him.  Lately our schedules haven't meshed well, we've each been busy with our own things and have been left missing each other like crazy.  30 is a "big" birthday ~ not because it means your old, but because it's like saying goodbye to an era!  So much happened in Jake's twenties.  We met, got married, he graduated college, we got a dog, moved, bought our first house, he started his career, we got another dog, started a business together annnnnnd the list goes on.  Thats a lot of changes, right?!  Anyway, I wanted to do something sweet to start Jake's next decade off right! Jusssst in case he's a little nervous about getting old. ;)  {I may or may not be more depressed about this than he is.}  I found this idea to do 30 days of 30 gifts or "30 days of 30".  Most of the gifts are themed around 30 in some way/shape/form.  Do you know how hard it is to think of that many presents that revolve around 30?  I'll tell you.. REALLY F*CK!NG HARD.  Most of the gifts are the epitome of cheesey/lame but I definitely sprinkled in a few things I know he'll love.  A few of them aren't 30-themed at all and are just fun gag gifts, but I tried and thats what counts.  Every day he'll get to pick a gift from the pile!  Tomorrow starts the countdown and I can hardly wait!  Here are some ideas that I came up with!  {More pictures to come soon!}

1. "Dirty 30" <--- 30 bars of soap
2. Just "short" of 30 <--- new pair of shorts (in his fave color, I might add.)
3. "Word-y" 30 <--- 1 year subscription to his 2 fave magazines
4. "Nerdy" 30 <---  A book with facts about 1982 (his birthyear..duh)
5. "Aged to perfection" <--- Bottle of wine
6. 30 "sucks" <--- Mug w 30 suckers
7. 30 "rocks" <--- Poprocks candy
8. 30 beers for 30 years <--- a 30 pack. obvi.
9. 30 "blows" <--- Jar w 30 gumballs
10. "Shirt-y" 30 <--- A new Tshirt
11. "Cheers to 30 years" <--- Bottle of Patron
12. 30 "bites" <--- Jar of 30 cookies
13. "Hitting" 30 <--- A table ping pong game
14. "Young at heart" <--- A reserved copy of a video game that releases in Nov.
15. "Grumpy old man" <--- (gag gift) A book of passive agressive parking tickets
16. 30 balloons in wrapped box. (For day 1 w| the announcement/'rules' of 30/30)
17. "Feeling Lucky?" <--- 30 Scratch of Lotto Tix
18. Start 30 with a "bang" <--- Koozie shaped like pistol
19. "Flirty" 30 - Sexy game I found at Urban Outfitters
20. 30 "Stinks <--- Axe body spray - Cologne would work, but J LOVES Axe!
21. "Old" habits die hard <--- Can of snuff.. ha! I know this will get used!
22. "Age Old" Questions <---he Bro Code book from How I met your mother.. He loves that show!
23. Gag gift (not 30-themed) but a bottle opener shaped like a police badge; He's a cop so I found it fitting.  And I was running out of ideas.
24. "Squirty" 30 <--- Water gun.  I'm sure that'll be regifted to my nephew.
25. "Alert-y" 30 <--- 5 hour energy shots (6 to equal 30 hours) (can you tell I was running out of ideas??)

Soooooo.. What are the other 5?  To be honest, I cannot remember for the life of me, so I'll have to wait until Jake opens the gifts.  I bought almost EVERYTHNG in 2 days time and had to go 6 million places and it's all pretty much a blur.  I'm HOPING to end day 30 with a surprise weekend trip/vacay to Mexico!!!!  Waiting to find out Jake's work schedule though... if that doesn't work then he's getting speakers/speaker box for his truck. 

Isn't this an awesome idea though??  I'll post pix once he opens everything.  I can't wait to see his reaction.  I'm SO impatient though..Lord knows I'll want him to open all 30 tomorrow!  Eeek!

Can you think of any ideas that I totally missed that would have been good?  I'd love to hear them!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Ain't Love Grand?

My honey is SUCH a goof.  We have entirely too much fun together and joke about the worst stuff ever.  Some of the ish that comes out of his mouth makes me SMH. (Did I use that right?)  And yes, sometimes I like to cross the line too.

The other day I reminded him that our anniversary is coming up, so he should really make reservations at the new restaurant I want to try.  He replied with "Seriously?  Why do we have to celebrate our anniversary again this year??"  He was (half)kidding so I'm going to let that one slide.

Last week we were @ the gym and there was this girl beside me at the gym with freaking GIANT boobs.  We were on the treadmills and for some reason this chick (blond, tight clothes, pretty face, barbie looking)  was wearing a MEGA low cut top with something other than a sports bra. {maybe NO bra?!} Even *I* was distracted!   JIGGLES everywhere!  So when we left the gym, I described her and asked Jake if he saw her.  He said, "No, did I miss something?"  I told him she had a GREAT bod, but then I caught a look a her stomach and it looked like she probably had a baby recently, so maybe her boobs were so 'all over the place' because she was breastfeeding..  He thought for about 3 seconds and then replied, "Well..I like milk."  <-- the way he said it had me rolling. WHAT A PERV.

But sometimes I tell him some f'd up shiz too.  I had my root canal today and I told Jake afterwards that I dressed extra slutty because I heard the dentist was hot and it's not cheating if you do it while on nitrous.  But then I was disappointed because he wasn't hot, so I hope he didn't take advantage of me while I was out.  Jake said "Unless he had a big piece, because that would make it okay right?"  Touche! 

Jake also has...odd taste in women. (I wonder what that says about me... Okay, he has odd taste in women other than me.  There.)  In all honesty, he doesn't like skanky looking women which is I guess is nice. (It's all class in our household, can't you tell?)  The other day he was listening to gangsta gangsta rap in the truck and then next song was Taylor Swift, to which he sang along to.  I told him he was the gayest husband ever because he loves Taylor Swift's music.  He said he "doesn't like her music, he just wants to see her naked".  -- Riiiiight, so listening to her music is going to bring you closer to realizing THAT goal??  Lord. 

We also like to talk (kid) very candidly about our best qualities.  Jake's all, "yeah, I mean, every girl I meet stares at my crotch.. Even all your friends - they're totally trying to gauge my package."  And "I'm such a good singer, you're soooo lucky."  We debate over who our friends like more and who has more/top quality friends.  I'm all - I have lots of people wanting to be my friend and hang out with me.  I'm just REALLY picky so that's why I hang out at home a lot, alone, on Friday nights...writing blog posts. I have impossibly high standards. I'm exclusive.  We're soooo competitive but in a super fun way!

Anyway - the INSIDE, now outside, jokes between us don't stop there.  I swear Jake and I can't be serious about anything, but that's how we roll.  We both love to laugh and keep each other cracking up.  Sooo.. the point of this story was....... uhhhh, yeah, I don't even remember.  Okay, bye.  Please disregard this post.  This is what happens when pain killers from my root canal enter my system.  Nighty-night!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Married to a Cop

It's my hubby's first night of work OUT of training and on his own!  I'm so happy for him!  He's been a Police Officer for almost 4 years now; Being in training since essentially February of this year has been a littttle bit of a beating; Don't get me wrong, I'm sure he's learned a lot.  The great thing about him being on his own now is that I can actually CALL HIM every now and then and have dinner with him.  {HOORAY!}  I can't wait for him to get home in the a.m. so I can hear about allllllll about his night!

When I tell people I'm married to a cop, I get a lot of reactions and questions.. Some people DON'T like cops.  In my opinion, if you don't like the police then you're prrrrrobably a deadbeat or a criminal.  I know some lots of cops are total a-holes.  If a cop gives you a ticket because you were breaking the law, YOU'RE the a-hole, not him.   I've gotten my fair share of fact, probably more than most people.  I don't get out of tickets JUST because I'm married to a cop..{trust me, I've tried}  I'm just as p.o.'d as the next person when I get a ticket; but how can you be mad at the police officer when he's doing his job??  That being said, if you DON'T like cops, then don't call them when you have an emergency. 

One of the questions I get most often is if I worry about my hubby's safety constantly.  In the very beginning, I'd say yes.  I think I'd be carrying around a lot of stress if I worried about what Jake was getting into.  With the things Jake tells me about his nights, it's become very evident that he is calm, cool, & collected.  He has integrity and empathy -- He's just all around a GREAT officer.  I love hearing his stories because he never ceases to amaze me.  I really am so proud of him and what a honest, hard working and dependable man he is.  He became a police officer not because he wants to write stupid (My description, not his) traffic citations to people going a mile over the speed limit, but because he wants to get "real" criminals off of the streets. He thrives on action but is so even keeled that he handles situations well.  As long has he stays proactive and doesn't get complacent, I imagine he's safe each night.. and of course I hope and pray for his well-being at all times. 

Another thing people ask if how in the world we ever see each other with him working nights and me working days.  Well, our schedules typically mesh very well.  Lucky for me, on Jake's day/nights off, he always goes to bed with me and gets on a normal person schedule.  A lot of officers can't do  that, so I'm pretty lucky there.  One of the things I love about us working opposites is that there is always someone home with the dogs.  Jake and I DO spend time together at weird times though.  He gets home about 6:15 in the morning and I always get up when he gets home so we can talk about work and he can wind down a bit.  Then we go to sleep together..even if I have to get up in an hour or so afterwards.  Every week we have one date night together. Our newest thing to do together is hitting the gym so we also try to go together 2X a week or so.  So yeah, our schedules are a little unconventional but they work for us for now.. Quite well! 

All in all, I feel bad that the media has given cops a bad rap.  As much as I respect ALL police officers and what they do, every person is bound to make a mistake.  Right or wrong, I think it's a department's job to sort that kind of thing out.  I hate when media gets involved, blows things up and then random people throw their two cents in without ALL the related information.  Luckily we haven't had to deal with this sort of thing first hand; I just hope we NEVER do!!!

I didn't mean for this to get all long and novel-like, so I'll wrap it up!  I love being married to a police officer;  I'm proud to have a husband that serves the public and keeps people safe.  It may not carry a Dr.'s salary or have the same kind of prestige attached, but I really couldn't be more proud of my hubs! 

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Selfish Moment

Here's how this is going to go.. I'm going to have a total poor pitiful me moment and vent for a sec - and then I'll get over it. So here goes.

This has been a sorta craptastic week.  First, Jake found out that his work shift is flip flopping.  This is a problem for a couple of reasons.  Most selfishly, I have MY schedule worked around his so we can get lots of q-time together.  It'll take me about 2 months to slowly mold my schedule to his NEW schedule so in the mean time we won't get a whole lot of time together.  TOTAL BUMMER.  I live for our weekends off together and now it'll be a while.  *Sigh.*  For Jake, he'll have to meet a whole new shift of people and work a different area.. on top of working 60 hours/5 days straight.  This will probably end up being a good thing though because he's soooooooo  darn likable.  He'll make friends no matter which shift he's on. :)  The final thing that this whole flip-flop puts a damper on is our Chicago trip.  Now my hubs won't have the same days off, thus, we may not be able to go after all.  We're hoping to still swing it somehow, but we'll see what happens.

Next up:  I totally BROKE a tooth this past week.  Besides the 'ouch' factor lets talk cost factor!  I now absolutely positively have to have a root canal so that's a whollllle lotta pain and about 1K in cash.  Ugh, I'm cheap, so although we CAN pay for it, I really don't want to.  I'm totally worried about how much it's going to suck!  Idk how I'll keep my mouth open for an hour and a half, plus have to smell all the chemical-y smells and feel all the pressure, and needles shooting through my gums...eeeeeeek!  It IS necessary though - as I can't keep a gaping hole in my mouth.  Let's hope for minimal pain and no complications before or after.  And possibly a gold tooth, if my bff has her way..

The next happiness-suck is a weird story.  We were contacted by HGtv recently about being on one of their shows.  It came out of the blue so we were sooooooooooooooo thrilled and excited about the idea of getting to go on a once in a lifetime vacation!  I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up but I totally did.  I started redecorating/deep cleaning the whole house for filming and bought lots of new clothes/hair stuff/skin care regimens/etc. (Yes. I went overboard.)  I found out on Friday that we didn't make the cut, so that was a tough little blow.  Dang!  {Guess it's nice that my house and myself will be looking a little better.}

Buddy, our Vizsla, has a nasty virus right now.  Neither of us have a day off, so we can't get him into the vet until THURSDAY!  I asked the vet to pleeeeeeeease let us swing by and pick up the antibiotics, but No - that would be TOO simple.  They wanted to see Buddy first, which is somewhat understandable, but its very very clear he has kennel cough.  If you've ever had a dog with it, its totally unmistakable.  So for now we just have to give him over the counter cough syrup and honey.  That's a blast shoving down his throat.  My poor pup!  Every time you give him a dose (or shoot it down his throat rather) he gives you a sad 'shocked' look, like you've totally betrayed his trust.  Hopefully he feels better soon and stops throwing up all over the place. :(

So that about wraps up my yucky week.  Well, that, plus the fact that I forgot my lunch at home today.  Now I'm going to finish this post with some silver linings.  First of all, if all of the above are the 'worst' of my problems, lets face it, I have it PRETTY GOOD!  So I didn't win a free vacation.. We can easily afford one on our own.  In all honestly, there are probably a lot of people who need it deserve it a lot more than us.  And yes, I must have serious dental work - but luckily I have dental insurance that will at least cover a teensy little fraction.  Jake's work schedule throws a wrench in our day-to-day life and travel plans but it's not the end of the world.  It's an opportunity for him to have yet another fresh start and meet lots of new people;  Plus, our lack of date-time will end soon enough.  I'm very fortunate that I make my own schedule and it can BE changed. (Even if it takes a little time.)  (Absence makes the heart grow fonder?)

PHEW! ~ Now that I got that out I feel much better.  YES, I know my problems are minute (pronounced mi-nute not min-it) when compared to those of the world, but whatever.. I'm a suburban wife and it is what it is. Just like anyone, every now and then I just want to throw a little pity party for myself.  Just don't get me wrong:  I'm extremely grateful that these ARE the worst of our troubles.   Life goes on!  I'm embracing the journey; even the things that pop up that are totally out of my control!  I promise my next post will be much more upbeat!