So, I bought my verrrry energetic weimaraner, Sampson, a Thundershirt. Heard about it? No? Google it. Its basically a really tight wrap-around compression shirt for dogs that is supposed to ease their anxiety when you put it on, especially during Thunderstorms, Thus: the"thundershirt". Its the same basic idea of swaddling a baby. Get it? Okay. Well, I guess you DON'T have to google it.
Here in Dallas we have been having these intense t-storms out the wazoo. No lie. Sampson has been sleeping in a teensy laundry basket in the closest for days straight, and the other day he refused to potty outside (or inside, if you were wondering) for a FULL 24 hours! How is that possible, I don't even know! Maybe I just haven't found it yet... Anyway! I should have known that putting ANYTHING on Sampson (i.e. a leash, halter, dress, socks) he tries to attack me and I end up chasing him around for 15+ minutes before I get to the point when I usually say SCREW IT and give up. Wellllllll that was pretty much the same-old same-old song and dance today. I had to fight him FOREVAAA to get the damn thing on him. Here's about how it went.
Once all was said and done, Sampson layed motionless on the couch. Not sure if this means the shirt is "working" or not. . .
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