Okay, so yet again it's been a little while since I made a little post-y-post. :) SO HERE I AM! I would love to complain about how busy I am, but it's a good busy. Jake and I just got back from Mexico, and we had SO. MUCH. FUN. We deep sea fished, and swam in the ocean and ATE ATE ATE and even held a sweet little monkey! We stayed at a luxury resort (RIU Palace), which was interesting because there were not many people there OUR age. 6 years ago, we stayed at a regular RIU resort, and had a blast! On that vacation, we shut down the disco every night at 3 am, slept in until noon and spent all day playing drinking games at the pool. It's funny how much time changes things. This time, drinking was reserved for evenings only, and at a much slower pace. And sometimes, not at all, depending on what activities were planned for the next day! We didn't even go across the street to the disco resort ONCE. We were back in our room by 8 pm every night, and were up every morning by 9 am TOPS! We didn't frequent the buffet like we did on that vacation, instead we had reservations at the "fancy" places every night. The days were filled reading in lounge chairs at the beach. Does that make us boring?? Because...we loved every minute! It made us laugh comparing the two and how much things can change in such a short time! We haven't had time to really connect like that in WAY too long. In 2013, I hope we can make a lot more time for vacationing together - we're aiming for once a quarter. We both love the ocean and ANYTHING outside of the country and there are so many places we still want to see! Fingers crossed for a travel filled 2013!
Also happening in 2013........uh, lets see...We're expanding our business! (I saw "our" now because I officially made Jake a partner!) We're even going from a lil old sole proprietorship to a corporation - how crazy is that????? We're moving to a store-front location that's 1060 square feet! It's big. Really BIG! The whole thing is scary. And risky. But exciting! We're going to do a build out and totally remake the space. No lie, it's pretty horrid on the interior right now. But it does have major potential! This means I'll also be hiring more employees -- eventually 2-3 more estheticians (up to 8!), a receptionist and a salon manager. I'm pretty excited for the eventual manager--this means I can delegate some of my responsibilities! It's tough doing the actual services, ordering, inventory, handling client inquiries, hiring, training, phonecalls/voicemails/texts/emails, monthly profit/loss statements, payroll, advertising, taxes----okay I'll stop there - you get my drift! There is lots of work to be done and I'll be happy to share the load. Now, there is of course the chance that things head South and business fails. I hope and pray that this DOESN'T happen - it would result in one thing: Bankruptcy. That's uhh, pretty severe, right? It is. I'm aware of if -- Jake's aware of it. There is that chance but we're going into this with high hopes and projections! Wish us luck because we will certainly need it. So that kicks off on January 2nd. :)
Pretty soon I need to think about my New Year's Resolutions! Seems like just yesterday I was writing last year's!
Well, unfortunately, this is all I have time for tonight... But I leave you with some of our fave pics from Mexico!! {PS - I highly recommend staying at the RIU Palace Mexico -- It's paradise!}
very lovely place for the visit