I'm soooooooooo feeling like an over-achieving wife right now, which is a nice change from my usual adequate-but-average-wife-status. My hubbys 30th birthday is coming up so I wanted to do something EXTRA special for him. Lately our schedules haven't meshed well, we've each been busy with our own things and have been left missing each other like crazy. 30 is a "big" birthday ~ not because it means your old, but because it's like saying goodbye to an era! So much happened in Jake's twenties. We met, got married, he graduated college, we got a dog, moved, bought our first house, he started his career, we got another dog, started a business together annnnnnd the list goes on. Thats a lot of changes, right?! Anyway, I wanted to do something sweet to start Jake's next decade off right! Jusssst in case he's a little nervous about getting old. ;) {I may or may not be more depressed about this than he is.} I found this idea to do 30 days of 30 gifts or "30 days of 30". Most of the gifts are themed around 30 in some way/shape/form. Do you know how hard it is to think of that many presents that revolve around 30? I'll tell you.. REALLY F*CK!NG HARD. Most of the gifts are the epitome of cheesey/lame but I definitely sprinkled in a few things I know he'll love. A few of them aren't 30-themed at all and are just fun gag gifts, but I tried and thats what counts. Every day he'll get to pick a gift from the pile! Tomorrow starts the countdown and I can hardly wait! Here are some ideas that I came up with! {More pictures to come soon!}
1. "Dirty 30" <--- 30 bars of soap
2. Just "short" of 30 <--- new pair of shorts (in his fave color, I might add.)
3. "Word-y" 30 <--- 1 year subscription to his 2 fave magazines
4. "Nerdy" 30 <--- A book with facts about 1982 (his birthyear..duh)
5. "Aged to perfection" <--- Bottle of wine
6. 30 "sucks" <--- Mug w 30 suckers
7. 30 "rocks" <--- Poprocks candy
8. 30 beers for 30 years <--- a 30 pack. obvi.
9. 30 "blows" <--- Jar w 30 gumballs
10. "Shirt-y" 30 <--- A new Tshirt
11. "Cheers to 30 years" <--- Bottle of Patron
12. 30 "bites" <--- Jar of 30 cookies
13. "Hitting" 30 <--- A table ping pong game
14. "Young at heart" <--- A reserved copy of a video game that releases in Nov.
15. "Grumpy old man" <--- (gag gift) A book of passive agressive parking tickets
16. 30 balloons in wrapped box. (For day 1 w| the announcement/'rules' of 30/30)
17. "Feeling Lucky?" <--- 30 Scratch of Lotto Tix
18. Start 30 with a "bang" <--- Koozie shaped like pistol
19. "Flirty" 30 - Sexy game I found at Urban Outfitters
20. 30 "Stinks <--- Axe body spray - Cologne would work, but J LOVES Axe!
21. "Old" habits die hard <--- Can of snuff.. ha! I know this will get used!
22. "Age Old" Questions <---he Bro Code book from How I met your mother.. He loves that show!
23. Gag gift (not 30-themed) but a bottle opener shaped like a police badge; He's a cop so I found it fitting. And I was running out of ideas.
24. "Squirty" 30 <--- Water gun. I'm sure that'll be regifted to my nephew.
25. "Alert-y" 30 <--- 5 hour energy shots (6 to equal 30 hours) (can you tell I was running out of ideas??)

Isn't this an awesome idea though?? I'll post pix once he opens everything. I can't wait to see his reaction. I'm SO impatient though..Lord knows I'll want him to open all 30 tomorrow! Eeek!
Can you think of any ideas that I totally missed that would have been good? I'd love to hear them!
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